Thursday, June 08, 2006
Critics Fear Emergency Centers Could Be Used for Immigration Round-Ups. The military contractor that built the prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and jails throughout Iraq has been tapped to construct facilities in the United States to be used in the event of "an emergency influx of immigrants into the U.S."
The contract has sparked wide speculation that massive prisons are going to be built to detain illegal immigrants or even U.S citizens, fears that government officials say are unfounded. [Fox News]
During the Clinton administration there were repeated rumors that the Feds were secretly building concentration camps inside America. Once again the Busheviks have done something that they once attacked Clinton for wanting to do.
11:54:33 AM
A Few Predictions. Everyone seems very happy that Abu Museb Al-Zarqaawi, the alleged and self-proclaimed leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, was killed in the U.S. missile strike sometime Wednesday. National Public Radio made this the big news of the morning, interviewing many Iraqis... By Charles Featherstone. [LewRockwell.com Blog]
He's almost certainly right.
10:37:13 AM
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Ken Hagler.
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6/12/2006; 12:12:56 PM.
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