Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
People should not fear their governments; governments should fear their people.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Headline of the Year: “Do Hadithans Hate Us for Our Freedoms?”.

The above is the title of a new piece by Jacob Hornberger over at the Future of Freedom Foundation. His piece very nicely skewers the Bush administration's exploitation of freedom since 9/11.

And that is one triple-kegger headline.


Today, defenders of the president's war and occupation of Iraq are suggesting that the killing of 24 defenseless civilians in Haditha, including defenseless women and children and even an old man in a wheelchair, were committed by only a few U.S. soldiers and that the rest of America’s occupying force are performing "heroically."

But when al-Qaeda recruiters show the Haditha photographs to men and women in the Middle East, will the reaction among prospective new recruits be, "Let's not focus on or exaggerate the massacre in Haditha because the other American troops in Iraq are performing heroically"?

After all, don't forget that in performing heroically U.S. forces have killed and maimed tens of thousands of other Iraqis as part of their invasion and subsequent occupation -- many more people, in fact, than were killed in the 9/11 attacks.

Who honestly believes that the friends and family members and even countrymen of those who were killed and maimed in Haditha -- or elsewhere in Iraq -- are likely to say, "We hate America not because of what they did at Haditha and the rest of Iraq but because of America's First Amendment and rock and roll"?

1:16:07 PM    comment () trackback ()

Internet: Ransomware. Very cool innovation but poorly implemented: This virus swaps files found in the "My Documents" folder on Windows with a single file protected by a 30-digit password. Victims are only told the password if they buy drugs from one of... [John Robb's Weblog]

That sounds like something the DEA would come up with. They could wait until some poor sucker bought the drugs (thus violating some obscure unconstitutional law), then swoop in and throw him and his spouse in prison for twenty years, and empty out his bank accounts and sell his property and children under the guise of "asset forfeiture" and "child protection."
12:56:40 PM    comment () trackback ()

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