Updated: 6/25/09; 10:57:42 PM.
'if' ...
What you alter in the remembering has yet a reality, known or not. - Cormac McCarthy


Saturday, January 21, 2006
> memory mapping

"Where have you been? Think of the first place you remember living. Think of the streets, pathways, bodies of water, train tracks and intersections that you remember. Try to remember the relationships of each. Find the farthest edges of each in your mind."
(memorymapping - [expandedfield.com] )

- See: Terms

:: note :: . . . always by a river . . . sand underneath foot . . . the opposite side rising towards an open expanse . . . ceaselessly changing sky . . . most often the calling of geese . . . to get to the river i must cross train tracks . . . the words of my mother warning "never cross the tracks". . . the water flows fast with a huge overgrown island in the middle . . . an iron bridge on one horizon & a concrete bridge on the other . . . a beaver swims silently by . . . the schoolyard is a couple of blocks behind me . . . i'm alone . . .

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