Updated: 6/25/09; 10:58:02 PM.
'if' ...
What you alter in the remembering has yet a reality, known or not. - Cormac McCarthy


Friday, January 27, 2006
> poetry&imaginatiion

"The necessity for poetry is one of the most fundamental traits of the human race. But naturally we do not take that into account, any more than we take into account that dinner, and the next day again, dinner, is the condition of our remaining alive. Without poetry the soul and heart of man starves and dies. The only difference between them is that all men know, if they turn their minds to it, that without food they would die, and comparatively few people know that without poetry they would die. . . . Have I answered the question? I think I have. We should read poetry because only in that way can we know man in all his moods -- in the most beautiful thoughts of his heart, in his farthest reaches of imagination, in the tenderness of his love, in the nakedness and awe of his soul confronted with the terror and wonder of the Universe." (Critical Essays by Amy Lowell)

- See: Education

:: note :: . . . via manoverboard. . . why we should read poetry . . . the next essay examines the imagination connection

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