jeudi 28 novembre 2002

Web Design Hallucinogène ?

"Much Room To Think" chez Eric Meyer (peut-on traduire en Peekaboo ?).
(Le fichier unique de construction de l'exercice est téléchargeable - 2 Mo)

10:13:59 AM  #   

Blogging while listening.

What will happen if students blog during class? Would they? Would it be better if they talked aloud? Real plenary discussion isn't possible in a huge conference but should be in a group of twenty students. Perhaps real blog discussions aren't possible with as small a group as twenty? Though fewer bloggers usually participate in a blog thread, there is an awareness of a larger space and the many who choose not to participate? How about chatting textually while discussingly orally? Would that always suck all the jokes out of the room and into the chat ? [Jill Walker]

[Seblogging News]

10:04:56 AM  #