Audioblog/Mobileblogging News
Covering the evolution of the "next big thing" in multimedia mobile blogging

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Thursday, October 02, 2003


 Will phone to weblog vendors be at BloggerCon? - more
Here's an audio post in which I talk about a question I asked during my email exchange today with the vendors of phone to weblog tools - Audblog and VoiceMonkey.  Will your company have any official representives this weekend at BloggerCon?

4:19:51 PM  comment []    trackback []  

A new study predicts lots of Wi-Fi in cars in the near future: In 2008, according to research from ABI, 25 million cars will have Bluetooth or 802.11 gear. There's been a big push to get Bluetooth in cars, but that will support limited applications. Apparently, car manufacturers are looking at what type of technology will enable wider area and higher bandwidth applications. Wi-Fi seems an obvious ...
posted to Glenn Fleishman at Oct 02 02:14 PM

3:14:21 PM  comment []    trackback []  

Audio post:  BloggerCon Journey begins - more - I'm trying to see how best to serve my audio files through localfeeds BloggerCon.

11:29:36 AM  comment []    trackback []  


Localfeed BloggerCon

Localfeed BloggerCon: I just added this link to my IE->Favorites->BloggerCon folder. I have a feeling this is going to be a must read at BloggerCon.  Hope the server can handle it.

10:41:18 AM  comment []    trackback []  


BloggerCon Journey Begins!!

Starting my journey after my son's hockey practice tonight. Driving up and staying tonight near MetroPark train station(Iselin, New Jersey). Catching an Amtrak train (MetroLiner?) about 10:00 AM tomorrow morning for about a 5-6 hour train ride to Boston.

Harold Gilchrist • 10/2/03; 10:33:06 AM

10:34:53 AM  comment []    trackback []  


Is anyone from Audblog supposed to show up at the con?

You would think?  I'll send an email to Noah.

The following it cut from Dave's follow the BloggerCon IRC channel.

9:17:09 AM   TheRoss_AtWork   is anyone from Audblog supposed to show up at the con?
9:18:17 AM   Dunk   Whats Audblog?
9:20:46 AM   TheRoss_AtWork
9:21:02 AM   TheRoss_AtWork   blog-via-phone
9:21:26 AM   Dunk   interesting.
9:21:53 AM   TheRoss_AtWork  

heres one from joi:

9:59:16 AM  


Morning everyone.

10:01:06 AM  


I saw TheRoss_AtWork question about Audblog being "at the con" on Dave's follow the BloggerCon IRC?

10:01:29 AM  


I sent an email to Noah of Audblog asking the question?

10:02:05 AM  


I'll post it here when/if I get an answer today.

10:02:16 AM  



10:02:23 AM  



10:22:03 AM   harg   Since I sent an email to Noah of Audblog about attending BloggerCon I thought it was only fair I send one to Hugh of VoiceMonkey asking the same question.
10:22:51 AM   harg   VoiceMonkey is another phone to audioblog tool.
10:23:23 AM   harg  

Did I leave anyone out with a phone to audioblog tool?


11:35:49 AM   harg  

Hugh from VoiceMonkey just emailed me back (about being at bloggerCon) and said he would love to go but has to work (the "day


3:46:22 PM   harg   Answer to the question: Will anyone from Audblog be attending BloggerCon?
3:46:37 PM   harg   Unfortunately, we wont be attending the BloggerCon. But I cant wait to see
3:46:38 PM   harg   all of the coverage coming out of the event.
3:47:06 PM   KevinMarks   there si a session on AudioBlogging
3:47:09 PM   KevinMarks   hm
3:47:23 PM   KevinMarks   I should get myself some capture gear.
3:47:50 PM   harg   That answer and quote is from an email I just received from Noah Glass of Audblog.
3:50:07 PM   harg   There a Audioblogging BOF discussion/session on sunday: Pound 200: 1:30PM-3:00PM

9:44:59 AM  comment []    trackback []  


Microsoft moves beyond patches

Microsoft moves beyond patches. Conceding that its strategy of patching Windows holes as they emerge has not worked, Microsoft plans next week to outline a new security effort focused on what the company calls "securing the perimeter." ( [Watching Microsoft like a Hawk]

7:10:34 AM  comment []    trackback []  


RSS-Data: Pull Based Method Calls for Client Apps

Neat concept.  Sounds like Jeremy may have something here. I can see an advantage to the client pulling simple data types this way.  Makes it easier to trouble shoot mass interexchange commnunication.  Simple is the key here.

RSS-Data: Pull Based Method Calls for Client Apps. Okay, so it took me a day to grok what Jeremy was ranting about yesterday with his RSS-Data idea, but ...[Russell Beattie Notebook]

6:36:17 AM  comment []    trackback []  


Article on copying/streaming music to your Pocket PC

Pocket PC would be a great desktop audio file download interface and valid method for listening to audioblogging files on the go.  Looks like all you need to do is sync your audioblogging file desktop folder with the unit and away you go.

Pocket PC Magazine article on copying/streaming music to your Pocket PC. Not sure what the problem was with my Windows Media Player install, but I had to re-install it to get it to recognize my Axim (as suggested in a message from the Aximsite forums). [lawrence's notebook]

6:28:07 AM  comment []    trackback []  

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