Audio/Mobile Blogging News
Covering the evolution of syndicated messaging (audio,text and video) over the web

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Friday, January 09, 2004


Syndicated Photography Feeds is an interesting new "Syndicated Photography Feed" site.  The site advertises a RSS extension that's trying to do the same thing for photographs that I am trying to do for audio files through SAM.  It's very interesting to see both communities maturity are at about the same place. 

As mentioned on the site, most aggregators will not know what to do with the extended elements in the extended feeds.  But they do mention that some desktop aggregators like shrook and amphetadesk allow you to create templates to deal with unrecognized elements.  I'll have to try them.

It will be interesting to watch these new feed media extention developments mature this year and the response as aggregator vendors start to recognize these spaces exist.

There is room in the aggregator client space for readers that can dynamically adjust to new feed extensions through the use of plugins or helper apps.  The present state of the majority of readers is static and hard coded to the core and some small subset of what's really available in extensions.  It will be interesting to see if and how this dynamic integration ability appears this year in the majority of the field as the variety of available feed extensions grow at a rapid state.

Seems like the time has come for the aggregator community to start working together and come up with an agreed upon standard for dynamic feed extention integration into the field of reader products. 

Lockergnome's RSS Resource - Feeds: Syndicated Photography Feeds. is a database of information about photographs available on the web. We present the work of photographers who have made information about their images available as an RSS feed. RSS is a simple document format based on XML that is used to syndicate web-based content. A pheed is simply an rss feed that has been extended to include information about photographs; a photo feed. The links to the left will show you how to create an rss pheed and include information about your photographs in our database....

7:24:32 AM  comment []    trackback []  

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