It's party time!!
It's actually funny that us East Coast guys never get invited to any of these West Coast social events (not that we would go - but an invitation once in awhile would just be nice). We're not even a smart enough group to throw our own events. Events like these makes an East Coast guy wish sometimes he lived on the West Coast. Anyway...
If I was at the Laszlo Systems party, sipping their wine and eating their cheese, I'd be talking up the new Audioblogging player I been hinting and talking about lately and trying to get built "maybe" using Laszlo. My agenda would be to find someone from Laszlo willing to host the Laszlo SAM radio player, similiar to what they are doing with SoundBlox. As the wine really begins to flow, maybe Marc can drop this permalink or some hints to some player there. After all, isn't that what they are after with the party, branding and finding new opportunities for their product. I really need a West Coast agent!!
It's official - Party Tues night at Etech.
Laszlo Systems will be sponsoring a party at O'Reilly's Emerging technology Conference Tuesday night at the Emer3g1ng L0ft scene.
It'll start up at 10 PM - after the day's sessions are over. Music, beer, booze and great conversation.
Location to follow. Check out the Wiki.
The next night - will also be a party there - as well.
This year's Etech is looking to be quite a scene - what with the Emergent Democracy day long pre-sessions, etc. [Marc's Voice]
6:00:14 AM