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Tuesday, March 23, 2004


Lucas Gonze, creator of webjay left these comments on the blog in response to my post New Webjay tool for MP3 audiobloggers:

My response to follow.

Detailed comments follow. I hope these don't come off as dismissive, but I'm hyper-attentive to  bugs and bugs are caused by features. If I can solve a problem using an existing feature, that's the least buggy way to do it.

Your feedback and comments don't come off as dismissive at all.  Thank you for taking the time to make that clear. 

I understand and agree with the fact that complicated features can add problems such as bugs.  My suggestions of new Webjay features are just me thinking and "writing out loud".  The task really at hand is trying best to adapt your service/tool to my present text blogging tool and audioblogging style without adding any extra work and complication.   Your tool with it current set of features, can be easily setup with my weblogging tool to accomplish the above now.  I was hoping the new features I was suggesting could be added for the same reasons.  As I will explain below, having some of the features I am suggesting in Webjay would be a more efficient process for me today then the complication introduced doing it through with my weblogging tool.

Feature request: the ability to include prerecorded pre and post mp3 files.  You can do this by having pre and post MP3s in your web page. This is probably a good idea anyway. :)

The problem begins for me in that easily changing or controlling the order of posts in the main weblog page is not really an option with Radio my weblogging tool.  I wonder if other blogging tools would have the same problem because the principal of blogging is based around time with the end result being that everything is in reverse chronlogical order by design.  The order is usually just based on how things were posted during the day.  If I want a leading site signature audio file to open the playlist for a particular day using your tool, I would need to keep deleting the opening audio file post and reposting it everytime I needed to add a new audioblogging post during the day.  The problem is that Radio is going to always make my lastest audio post the first audio file that in effect will be the first file in the playlist (not really what I want).  Putting the site's signature audio files in the web page may work with the ending file if I remember to post it as the first audio file of the day.  If I don't remember I can't really go back(or wouldn't) and fix that.  Doing this would also add a lot of redundancy and confussion on my main weblog page as the main page currently is an accumalation of the last 7 days.  

Hi Harold,

Detailed comments follow. I hope these don't come off as dismissive, but I'm hyper-attentive to bugs and bugs are caused by features. If I can solve a problem using an existing feature, that's the least buggy way to do it.

Feature request: the ability to include prerecorded pre and post mp3 files.

You can do this by having pre and post MP3s in your web page. This is probably a good idea anyway. :)

Feature request: max num of items.

You can do this by linking to a daily story instead of the page as a whole. Let's say your permalink is, the playlist of the story would be

Feature request: ability to read in a SAM feed file.

Harold, I'm strongly in favor of what you're trying to accomplish with SAM, but writing a really good open format is too hard for one person. Why not join the <a href="">Portable Playlist Wiki/WG and help us make this happen!

Feature request: Ogg Vorbis support

This is a good idea, so I sat down to implement it this morning. My part of the tech was easy, but there's no way to associate a playlist with an Ogg-friendly MP3 player.

A lot of different players claim the M3U file association. If there is Ogg or any other unrecognized format in a playlist, most players will throw an error and stop. The standard way to flag touchy content in a playlist is to create a new playlist format with a different mime type; RAM, for example, is M3U with support for RealAudio content. There's no such playlist format for Ogg.

The best way to fix this is to write a new -- modern -- playlist format with support for unrecognized file types, which is part of the job of the Portable Playlist WG.

7:15:40 AM  comment []    trackback []  

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