BBC's GUID Bing! or just plain Wrong!
Scripting News -> Check this out. The BBC has a podcast feed. Bing!
OK Dave let's "really" look at it. Specifically the item sub-element - > GUID.
What's a GUID? Well acccording thr RSS 2.0 Spec: a url that can be opened in a Web browser, that points to the full item described by the <item> element.
The BBC's feed's GUID points to a mp3 file. Adam's and your GUIDs point to html pages. When it comes to PODCasts what is the right way to use GUIDs?
Instead of binging the BBC and giving them the impression that they got it right, we need to tell them and other PODCast providers what they're doing wrong as others will use their feeds as templates.
BBC: <guid>,zoroastrianism</guid>
<enclosure url="" length="13013769" type="audio/mpeg" />
Dave Winer's: <guid></guid>
Adam Curry's: <guid></guid>
1:30:55 AM