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All podcasts decribed in player have show numbers and titles. All show numbers in player match up with the show numbers described below.
1) Daily Source Code for February 10th 2005 (21.82MB; download) -- Thursday means trivia. From the hit test to the beatles bassline quiz. From the bunker in Amsterdam mp3 Shownotes in html and opml ... Source: Adam Curry: Daily Source Code
2) Brainwagon Radio: Dell Axim x50v, iPod shuffle, and the Soweto Gospel Choir (9.21MB; download) -- Where your host wakes up early and knocks out another podcast, even while suffering through an at-times painful head cold. Hope the sound of nasal drip didn't offend. Links from the show: My new PDA is a Dell Axim x50v. 802.11, Bluetooth, VGA resolution screen, both SD and ... Source: brainwagon
3) SD Poemcast: Light breaks where no sun shines (1.40MB; download) -- With the crusty glum that has overtaken New England, it's tough to find a bright angle to much of anything. This poem by Dylan Thomas casts a glow on the rawest side of winter. I love how he intertwines those masculine images of age and renewal. Enjoy. Dylan Thomas - Light breaks where no sun shines (approx. 1:31) Source: Safe Digression
4) Coverville 50: An all-indie Coverville (Sans voice) (27.44MB; download) -- Coverville is sponsored by iPodderX. Feed your iPod by getting your copy of the #1 podcasting macintosh client today at! I'm apologizing in advance for my voice in this podcast. It's hoarse. And it sounds like it hurts. Anyway - everything you hear tonight is from independent artists who have generously given me their permission: "Tain Ya Ta Bain Mei Ren Gui" (A Cantonese Surfer Song) - Clare Fader and the Vaudevillains "Don't Fear the Reaper" - s. e. k. s. (originally Blue Oyster Cult) "Midnight Train To Georgia"- Bari Koral Band (originally Gladys Knight and the Pips) "Satellite of Love" - Mike Chappelear (originally Lou Reed) "The 6-Teens" - The Masticators (originally Sweet) Thanks again for all your votes at Podcast Alley - please feel free to vote often to keep me in the top ten over there! Your support is what makes this show possible. If you'd like to cast a vote for me, you can use the link in the top right corner of this page. 30 minutes ... Source: Coverville
5) Living the Media Guerilla's Transparency Nightmare (0.48MB; download) -- In a previous entry, I point to Mike Manuel's Media Guerilla blog where he describes how transparent journalism can reveal some awkward moments. Although my example involves that moment that many journalists have experienced -- the one where they ask a question and the PR person pipes in like an attorney exclaiming "objection!" -- this example involves that awkward moment where the interviewees have no idea what the answer is an obvious question is. I mean, like REALLY obvious. Who's to blame for such an embarrassing moment? Of course, the interviewees should be well-versed in their subject matter before meeting with the press. But the PR folks are the safety net. Their job is to anticipate questions -- especially the obvious ones -- and make sure that their clients are good and ready before taking that interview. Understandably, you can't be prepared for every question. But let's say the client is an organization looking to get press and the main message is that the organization is focused on five critical issues. ...(more).. Source: Berlind's Media Transparency Channel
6) Audio: Chris Gorog, CEO, Napster (0.71MB; download) -- On Q4 earnings conference call, Chris Gorog, CEO of Napster. ()On Napster To Go service: Listen to the 6 minute clip where I condensed Gorog's remarks related to the new portable subscription service: reaction to it, competitors, advertising on Super Bowl, subscription mobel and Napster's bet on it, the clip here (0.7 MB, 6:10 mins).... Source: ContentNext
7) Tech Tidbits Daily for Feb. 10, 2005 (0.26MB; download) -- This is your Tech Tidbits Daily for Thursday Feb. 10th 2005. Do computer bugs bug you? Find out why they are so prevalent and what you can do about them by grabbing a free copy of Mark Manasi's 1999 McGraw-Hill... Source: TechNewsRadio
8) CIOPC:DSB 2005-02-11 Microsoft AntiSpyware and CRM, More on the HP thing... (3.34MB; download) -- Microsoft's AntySpyware app is being attacked. Also, they postpone their release of the CRM application. More thoughts on the Carly/HP stuff. ... Source: CIO PodCast
9) Geek News Central Podcast #38 2005-2-11 (20.92MB; download) -- Wow better hold on to your hats I was full of piss and vinegar tonight. Google, RIAA, MPAA and others got me fired up tonight. GeekNewsCentral-2005-2-11.mp3 GeekNewsCentral-2005-2-11.wma GeekNewsCentral-2005-2-11.ogg GeekNewsCentral-2005-2-11.torrent Google sure can dish it out but the sure can't take internal criticism Mozilla on the Move Make your Mini a recording Studio Lets stand up to these companies! Send me your Issues! Firefox exploit on the Loose! Newburst looks a lot like Have you Downloaded Movies with BitTorrent from LokiTorrent if you have your screwed! OSX Coming to a PC manufactured by Sony? Fingerprinting Movie Data to stop file sharing at the ISP! What if you Googled yourself and found out you were Kidnapped as a kid! RFID chips for all the kids line up now for your injections. IT Conversations shopping for a underwrites "hey how about us to" Hack a Xbox game go get sued! Boing Boing isn't keeping up with technology. Music Artist of the day is from the Magantune Library and is legally distributed under a Creative Commons License Artist Spinecar Track Sanchez ... Source: Geek News Central
10) SDR Podcast 2005-02-10 (13.67MB; download) -- Today's Artist -- FrodoCPU : It's Time (4:47) from the Album "FrodoCPU" Shoutouts and Thanks: Big News I am happy to announce that SDR bittorrents are now available through . Many thanks to founders Peter Yorke, Host of Seattle Wireless TV and Rob Greenlee, Founder and Co-Host of WebTalk Radio for their ... Source: Slashdot Review
11) Seattle Icon's Final Ride (0.44MB; download) -- The famed Lincoln Towing 'Toe' truck goes from parade feature to museum piece. ... Source: KOMO News
12) 2-10-2005 Ponderplace Podcast (19.52MB; download) -- Kind of a quick show tonight where attention spans are tested. I share a few new segment ideas and beg for feedback. I do a boring ponderplace report about dangers of hot coffee. Song by Circe Link ... Source: The Ponderplace Podcast
13) New Show!! - On The Rocks, Orlando, FL w/ Trance Fury (26.55MB; download) -- Welcome to a new Ambient/Chill Out radio show featuring Trance Fury as your host. It will broadcast Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday at 10pm EST. ... Source: Trance Fury Radio
14) Local Bloggers in Greensboro Talk with Dave Winer (35.87MB; download) -- The News & Record, the local paper for Greensboro, NC, just hosted a public forum where local bloggers discuss the future of media with Dave Winer. Dave asked some direct questions of the newspaper folks and the bloggers. I was... Source: Audio Activism MP3