The latest Daily Podcast feed is up. It contains a poem, discussion on jumping the shark, information about NY Hotel Bars, Podcast safe music from Jersey and more. So go over to my new audioblog experiment, "The Daily Podcast Feed" and listen to some of the podcasts in it!
All of the tools (GigaDial, Blogger, FeedBurner, WebJay, Smoothouse Webjay wizard, Fabricio's XSPF MusicPlayer ) I am using in my latest audioblog experiment are free and available right now on the web. That fact opens the potential for a group of pioneer podcast feed producers to evolve using a set of open free tools.
Below is a list of descriptions of some of the tools I use to create "The Daily Podcast Feed":
GigaDial is a new approach to radio programming. You can use it to create and subscribe to podcast-powered stations composed of individual episodes from your favorite podcasters. Outputs RSS 2.0 XML feeds.
Free blogging authoring software. Enables the distribution of Podcast feeds through the embeding of audio players and links to RSS 2.0 feeds using the weblog platformy. Outputs an ATOM XML feed that can be inputted to other services such as FeedBurner.
Can converts a ATOM feed to RSS 2.0 XML file. Using it's SmartCast feature, FeedBurner will take the first anchor (<a>) tag that it finds in your posting content and convert the linked URL into an RSS 2.0 <enclosure>. Is the case of Audioblogging 2.0, the RSS 2.0 enclosure file type is also a RSS 2.0 file.
Feedburner turns the feed item into content that future audioblogging 2.0/podcasting clients can potentially use to produce "show channels".
Mother of all music playlist generators. It allows you to take a RSS 2.0 file with mp3 enclosures and convert it to a XSPF playlist to feed into Fabricio's XSPF MusicPlayer.
Smoothouse Webjay wizard
Assists in the generation of the correct HTML for linking/embedding a Webjay playlist in Fabricio's XSPF MusicPlayer.
Fabricio's XSPF MusicPlayer
XSPF Web Music Player is a flash-based web application that uses xspf playlist format to play mp3 songs. XSPF is the XML Shareable Playlist Format. The software is written in Actionscript 2. Player can be embedded into a weblog post using weblog authoring software like Blogger.
Many of the tools above contain other features that do a lot more then the features I described. My explanations focus on the features used for creating "The Daily Podcast Feed" and what I call Audioblogging 2.0.