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Reclaiming My Life: A Declaration of Intent
The Revenge of the Dead Cow Cult
Updating Neighbors
The Ultimate Pun
The Obligatory Naked Mole Rat Advisory
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
And oh, by the way...
World Dominion and Other Pastimes
Two unsettling developments.
Why You CAN Teach an Old Dog New Tricks
No Birdbrains Here

Thursday, October 10, 2002

Does this sound familiar to you?
It appears I've been saying exactly the same things to myself for nearly 30 years now:

My Bible quarter is tomorrow and I haven't prepared yet. I suppose I think I can leave it until the last minute. That is a shaky theory at best. It's so late! I should have been in bed sleeping hours ago! but I'm so stupid, I persist in doing the dumbest things. Why, I don't know. There's something perverse in my personality.

When do you suppose I'll just accept the fact that I procrastinate and stay up late, and stop beating myself about the head and shoulders over it? It's not like I'm going to change these habits anytime soon. (Not without a darn impressive reason.)

Another dollop of Waybacky goodness is available.
11:54:07 PM    please comment []

May I just say how thoroughly this sucks?
One of the great joys of living in the DC area is that it is a magnet for psychos (and I mean that in the most derogatory way possible, that's how pissed off I am).

Tonight, there's this.

Is it the sniper? They don't know yet.

In any case, another person is dead. And that just sucks.
2:28:17 AM    please comment []

The Rabbit Talks Relationships
In her own inimitable, slightly cranky way, the Rabbit speaks sooth:

Then people say: Seek to understand first, and then you'll be understood. Give first, and you'll receive. I'm not so sure. There are people who you can seek to understand, seek to give to, and they just take and take and they still don't give a shit about understanding you in return. They're not bad or mean, they're just screwy, or they don't like you very much, or they don't like themselves that much. Who cares? Find someone who's mellow and appreciative, that's what I say, preferably far more mellow and appreciative than you are. Find someone you want to emulate, not someone you want to help.

Read the wider context for these words of wisdom here.

Is it good to understand? Of course. Is it good to behave well to one another even when you don't understand? Absolutely.
2:06:48 AM    please comment []

Another installment of The Wayback Journal is available. Young J, who was beguiled by the Jehovah's Witnesses, will become extremely ill with schizophrenia in the next few years. She still struggles with the illness to this day. (If only she could have just become a Jesus Freak instead.)
1:37:48 AM    please comment []

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Last updated: 11/11/02; 4:27:55 PM.
Comments by: YACCS
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