Kludge, hack or just inspired?
Wes Felter (of Hack the Planet) asks the question: Am I the only one who thinks all the iPod kludges are stupid?
Perhaps, although I find most of them pretty pointless too. At the same time, a lot of the hacks are being done just because they can be and I don't doubt that good things will happen because someone sees a gem that we don't.
Linux was a pointless hack. A streaming television recorder written six years ago (at a time of relatively small disks mostly crammed with the operating system, sources and documents) must have seemed like a particularly stupid kludge. Jumping back a generation, I remember that VisiCalc and Electric Pencil were dismissed as amateurish hacks created on inferior platforms.
What if the next generation iPod is wireless (Bluetooth or 802.11x) as well as Firewire? Interesting possibilities...
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