Steve Pilgrim's Radio Weblog : Out of the rat race and onto the web!
Updated: 6/5/2002; 12:19:59 AM.












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Saturday, March 02, 2002


Dane Carlson's web site hasn't been up for 12-18 hours now. I sure hope it's not a problem with the webhost he recommended to me!!! <kidding, kinda>

I've been working on navigator links to make this site more useful to me, and ultimately to others. Care has to be taken to differentiate the purpose of links on this site and bookmarks or favorites in one's browser! It's important to keep a site meaningful to more than its owner!

What actually changes when I change themes? I'm using transmitter. If I switch now, what do I "lose?" Do I lose the navigator links I've set up? Do I lose the categories I've set up? Do I lose comments or comment counters? How can I make the area over on the left a bit wider? Where do I go to add some links down the right side underneath the calendar? Cool stuff to think about, but I'm still gliding as Dave suggested and I'm taking baby steps as Jenny suggested. The frustration level over styling a weblog is WAY down because of their emails!

12:32:37 PM     Comments[]

It's become a morning for politics...

as I catch up on some reading. Two related, but unconnected, news items have caught my attention. First, is the apology by Billy Graham for remarks made 30 years ago at the White House. Second, is Peggy Noonan's opinion piece in yesterday's Wall Street Journal. (I hope you won't need a subscription to see it.) Why are these related? It seems to me that both items show people attempting to explain the context of past remarks. It is very difficult to be as precise as the participants in conversations and relationships and events when you are "reporting" what happened, obviously after the fact.

9:07:15 AM     Comments[]


This recognition is truly deserved. Congratulations, Dave Winer!

8:27:56 AM     Comments[]

Life vs. Technology

This interview with Jim Warner provides a glimpse of what can happen when we don't follow Shane McChesney's advice. I blog because I want to learn the medium and because I think my clients may one day need the know-how that we're (slowly) gathering. But, I also blog because it is therapeutic. I've participated in some rather spectacular ups-and-downs of technology companies and of the I.T. industry since 1976. That's 26 years! Even with a deep faith, there are times I've been shaken to the foundation.

My biggest worry when I see people who have the symptoms described in these articles is that the remedies prescribed by pop-culture thinking may not deliver them from their turmoil. If you knew that none of us are going to get out of this alive, what would you change right now?

Questions like that make questions about styling a weblog seem a tiny bit trivial!

8:12:52 AM     Comments[]

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