Steve Pilgrim's Radio Weblog : Out of the rat race and onto the web!
Updated: 6/5/2002; 12:20:14 AM.












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Monday, March 04, 2002


When I click on the link to go to my news aggregator, I don't get there. I'm redirected to someone else's site. Out of disdain for how they've chosen to use their skills OR the (remote)possibility that they aren't the ultimate culprit, I'm not posting the name or the site here. We'll see how this unfolds.

I was able to clear the problem by unsubscribing to the offending site.

5:12:42 PM     Comments[]


If you're new to Radio, try this. In your browser's URL address line, type the address for your public weblog followed by /categories. I'm Radio user number 0100740, so the address I type is Now here's what's interesting. The list I see bares a slight resemblance to the actual list of categories I'm using, but there's a lot of difference. I'm using 12 categories and there are only 9 listed. Also, I'm not using 4 of the ones that ARE listed.

This is tip of the iceberg stuff for me. On one level it's cool. On another level I don't have a clue. Something else to learn. Maybe my information maven can explain! OR...Dane's back. Why am I seeing different category descriptions on my desktop weblog when compared to my public weblog? Thanks in advance.

3:18:52 PM     Comments[]

News aggregator & RSS news feeds

Question 14 on my list of questions just got answered. John Robb did an excellent job of explaining something that I'm sure others already knew existed, but for me RSS news feeds are new! The basics help a lot. Thanks.

2:43:53 PM     Comments[]

Subscribe to your own weblog?

My approach to learning Radio has been disjointed to say the least; a few islands of a-ha in a sea of huh?. The fact is that I've loved it in spite of a week or two of total exasperation.

So, I subscribed to my own weblog. I just reviewed what the news aggregator probably sent to anyone else that subscribed to my weblog. This was another a-ha. I'll be more careful, now.

2:28:48 PM     Comments[]

Sometimes it's the simplest things...

...that show the way! In all my struggles with understanding the "power" of categories, I hadn't picked up on very much until I read this. When Dave said, "excellent use of categories," and I went to the site, I began to realize that a single copy of Radio can be used to maintain a unique web site for each of several family members. I'm sure it has been said many times and in many ways, but the lights just came on! Wow, the potential is pretty amazing, but it took this simple example to flip the switch.

2:13:53 PM     Comments[]

I'd confess if I knew what I did wrong!

I admit that I'm not entirely clear on this RSS news feeds thing, subscribing to them, identifying them and then, in some orderly manner, going through them to decide what to post and what not to post. In fact, I'm not even sure if I'm supposed to be reading them from my news aggregator, then using the "back" button in my browser to return to the news aggregator to then post get the idea.

Dave said this: Just one person subscribed to either of those sources pushes it to the top of the list, esp the first source, which blows a hailstorm of new links through the aggregator page. It's surprising that anyone actually reads the Weblogs.Com changes list that way! To each his own. I may be that one person and not even know it or how to fix it!!!

8:12:58 AM     Comments[]

Not bad for first thing in the morning!

Dan Rather. "An intellectual snob is someone who can listen to the William Tell Overture and not think of The Lone Ranger." [Quotes of the Day]

7:41:34 AM     Comments[]

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