Updated: 2/1/02; 5:19:23 PM.
Matthew Trump's Paradigm Watch
A Geological Perspective on the Evolution of the Internet

Saturday, January 19, 2002

Upstreaming isn't a major factor in the slowness on my machine The previous post took over twenty seconds, about as long as the longest time with upstreaming turned on.

Shucks. I was hoping it would make a big difference.  8:35:58 PM    

Turning off upstreaming didn't matter much. It seemed to have shaved a few seconds off the return page, including after "302 Found", but it is still hovering around fifteen seconds.  8:33:53 PM    

Upstreaming off. Now I'm going to post and see what happens. I've noticed that typically all requests to Radio on the PowerMac are taking between 15 and 20 seconds to return. It wouldn't be so bad, except for the "302 Found the Page" message, which means it then takes another 15-20 seconds to load the page it was supposed to.

Now that upstreaming is off. Let's see what happens...  8:32:28 PM    

Twenty-three seconds. That's how long it took Radio to grind out the return page after posting. That seems slow. But I have upstreaming turned on. I'm going to turn it off and see if that improves the speed at all.  8:28:33 PM    

So Darn Slow. Back to Radio. I've had it shut down a couple days, but tonight I find myself with the gumption to fire it up again.

I have it running on my Mac. Like I said, I do most of my work on my Linux box, and I am now using my Linux Mozilla browser to access radio.

The Mac is an old Power Mac 7300/200. Not the fasting machine around, but I got it for ree with 160 MB of RAM in it. It serves all my graphic needs very nicely. It is running System 9.0.4.

Nothing else is running on it right now, except for Radio.

Let's see what happens when I press "Post to Weblog"...  8:26:58 PM    

January 2002
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Matthew Trump

My other weblogs

Viva Capitalism: currently featuring a discussion of petroleum geology and trends in world petroleum supply

Brooklynese: lessons in the language of the lower Hudson

Quantum Phenomena: physics commentary on recent and new developments on the quantum level

C'est l'Orange: l'envie de la doucer de la langue française


Jamsterdam: software tools I have developed.

Current Planetary Positions: Java API I developed

What is Chaos?: an on-line course for everyone

Small Adventures: my wife's weblog. She's a better writer than I am.

American Tanka: poetry in the moment.

© Copyright 2002 Matthew Trump.
Last update: 2/1/02; 5:19:23 PM.