the power of 0ne

# July 21, 2004

The archive of yesterday's Intelligent Defence interview is up, listen to it now! After reading "John Robb"'s post I realized I didn't say anything about the featured guest: Valdis Krebs. His in-depth knowledge of networks and how they operate in the real world was simply amazing.

I wonder if anyone in the Intelligence community (CIA, FBI, CSIS) was listening?

"Steve" is re-writing the html for "Radio"'s aggregator using paragraph tags! Awesome idea, simplify the whole interface and let the CSS handle it. Give some real power over the desktop website to Radio's themes.

Now if only you could get this running as a callback we could package it in a tool that would be easy to use by everyone...

I am pleased to announce the public availibility of my "Master Ping Tool" for "Radio"! Here is a quick rundown of the features:

  1. Hands off pinging of services.
  2. Checkbox support for ping services such as Technocrati, and
  3. Easy installtion of new services.
  4. A safety timeout to make sure we don't start flooding the ping servers.
Feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Another service for my "Master Ping Tool"! This time it's: Yahoo! This post is also, acting as my test post. If it works i'll add it to the services list.