the power of 0ne

# August 2, 2004

Before I take off I would just like to offer my congratulations to Radio's new product manager: Steve Kirks. This is going to be just great for Radio, and the blogosphere in general, I'm really looking forward to the next few months!

If you have a weblog, or are considering starting one soon, read Steve's Letter to Radio users.

Postscript: The upstream on this post failed, but if you are reading this it means that I was able to move Radio from my desktop to my laptop.

I'm heading to Boston for a couple of days, should be back at some point on Thursday.

If I have time I will try and get my Radio install moved over to my laptop to make it a little easier for me to use while i'm on the road. I have been using Radio remotely but my main desktop machine is having power supply issues and I don't want to leave it on while i'm away.

Master Ping now has a new service: bitacoles thanks to Xavier Caballe.

Because the page seems to be written in Catalan it's a little difficult for me to figure out exactly which blogs should be pinging this service. But from what I can gather it is for all Weblogs relating to Catalonia, an autonomous state in north eastern Spain.

If anyone has anymore information on bitacoles, please let me know!

Test post for my first user requested ping service!