the power of 0ne

# August 24, 2004

Locus magazine interviews Neal Stephenson, Stephenson is probably my favourite author of all time. Cryptonomicon and Snow Crash are simply amazing novels, if you enjoy the Sci-Fi genre they are must reads.

Wow! According to "Steve" I have a magic touch when it comes to Usertalk! Thanks!

PS: I can't tell you what i've done yet either... but keep watching this Blog if you want to find out :)

After reading Steve Hooker's overview of the weblog tools market. I decided I should test drive some of the more popular blogging tools and see how they compare to "Radio".

I plan on starting at the top of Steve's list and making my way down, today I tried out Blogger.

Here's a link to my Blogger test site.

What's to like:

  1. Free, everyone likes free tools!
  2. Great interface, very easy to use WYSIWYG, w/ keyboard shortcuts!
  3. Easy access to past posts.
  4. Lots of pretty templates.
  5. FTP & SFTP support if you want to host somewhere other than blogspot.
  6. Comment moderation.

What's not to like:

  1. Lock-in, no plugin or extension support.
  2. No trackback (that I could see...).
  3. Only supports atom.
  4. No support for stories a la Radio. Only weblog posts.
  5. Publishing makes you wait while it renders your files.
  6. Blogspot banner at the top.
  7. No referer page, or other stats...
  8. No built-in aggregator.

I can see the attraction of a system like Blogger, in the ease-of-use department it blows "Radio" out of the water, Blogger does one thing and it does it well. But if you want to do anything outside of that framework you are out of luck.