Coyote Gulch


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  Sunday, November 19, 2006

Women and politics

Daily Kos: "In the most general terms, women were critical to the ascension of Democrats in this election."

"2008 pres"
8:53:27 AM     

Dem convention in Denver?
A picture named denver20081106.jpg

Here's an update on Denver's bid to host the 2008 Democratic National Convention, from the Denver Post. They write, "Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean is touting Western political victories, but that alone will not land Denver the 2008 party convention. Fundraising remains the primary concern for the man who alone will decide whether Democrats nominate their next presidential candidate in Denver or New York City, a Denver official said. Debbie Willhite, executive director of Denver's host committee, met with Dean in Jackson Hole this weekend during a gathering of the Association of State Democratic Chairs to talk about the decision Dean is expected to make before the end of the year. Willhite said the November elections could hardly have gone better for Denver's bid, but she said the city will need more money quickly to win the convention."

More Coyote Gulch coverage here.

"2008 pres"
8:37:36 AM     

More time for the feds to appeal Black Canyon decision
A picture named gunnisonblackcanyon.jpg

Just when everyone thought that the flora and the fauna in the Black Canyon were safe from the deal the feds cut with Colorado an activist judge jumps in with a 30 day extension to the federal appeal, according to the Montrose Daily Press. From the article, "U.S. District Court Judge Clarence Brimmer gave the Department of Interior 30 more days to appeal his Black Canyon water rights case decision last week. In August, Brimmer threw out a deal between the state of Colorado and the federal government to settle a long-standing water dispute. The federal government originally filed a large federal reserve water right in the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park. The lawsuit is the largest in Colorado history with over 350 objectors. The case has huge implications on how water is managed in the Gunnison basin and could reduce irrigation water to ranchers in the Upper Gunnison.

"Before the case went to trial, a settlement was reached between the state of Colorado and the federal government. The settlement allowed for a minimum stream flow of 300 c.f.s in the canyon and larger flows from a state water right. When the settlement was announced, a coalition of environmental groups filed a federal lawsuit, claiming the federal government did not follow proper procedures when it negotiated the settlement. Brimmer agreed with the coalition and produced a stinging rebuke of the federal government's position. He cited the National Environmental Policy Act and other federal statutes in the ruling. Justice Department lawyers and officials with the Department of the Interior have been trying to decide on whether to appeal Brimmer's decision. They were given 60 days to file the appeal. Some in the legal community have speculated that the case could make it to the U.S. Supreme Court, as it involves potential Constitutional questions of state versus federal power."

More Coyote Gulch coverage here.

"colorado water"
8:29:05 AM     

Moderates on the rise?

Fred Brown offers up some analysis of the recent election in his column in today's Denver Post. He writes, "After the 2004 election, a number of hard-line Democrats complained they'd never win again unless the party 'returned to its base.' Go left, in other words. Democrats should stop trying to act like Republicans, the argument went. To heck with the Clintonesque "third way"; forget moderation and accommodation. Now we're hearing similar noise from the right. The Republicans have taken "a thumpin'," as the president articulated it, in the 2006 elections. And so now there's a clamor, offstage right, to take a harder line. Colorado's own James Dobson says Republicans have betrayed 'values voters,' and those voters 'are not going to carry the water for the Republican Party if it ignores their deeply held convictions and beliefs.' The message is virtually the same. Beware bipartisanship! Moderation is abomination! But if anything should be clear from the elections just passed, it's the opposite of this argument. Democrats didn't win because they swerved left; they won with candidates who offered non-threatening centrist positions."

"2008 pres"
8:15:37 AM     

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