Coyote Gulch


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  Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Ludwig declares victory in Regent-At-Large race

On Wednesday November 8th Coyote Gulch wrote, "the Rocky Results page it looks like Steve Ludwig will win his race for C.U. Regent At-Large. Congratulations to regent-elect Ludwig."

Well it looks like we were right all along. Congratulations are now in order, according to Colorado Confidential. Mr. Ludwig really ran a great hard-working campaign. He was the winner of the Gulchie Award in the Regent-At-Large race.

"denver 2006"
6:24:15 PM     

Obama for president?

TPM Cafe: "Barack Obama's efforts to reach out to evanglical Christians in preparation for his possible Presidential campaign is running into very stiff resistance from the Christian right. As the Chicago Tribune reported recently, Obama is set to attend a huge evangelical gathering in California on Dec. 1, at the invitation of megachurch Pastor Rick Warren, the evangelical superstar who wrote The Purpose-Driven Life. Analysts have interpreted Obama's scheduled appearance as a sign he's working much harder than Dems ordinarily do to win over Evangelicals.

"But the appearance is now provoking an intense backlash from leaders of the Christian right. They are calling on Warren to disinvite Obama from the event because of his liberal positions, especially abortion rights - or as one of those leaders put it, Obama's support of 'the murder of babies in the womb.'"

Political Wire: "Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) 'will have key Granite State Democrats all to himself December 10 when he appears at the state party's election victory celebration," according to CNN. 'The freshman senator was the only potential White House hopeful invited to the event.'"

"2008 pres"
6:16:26 PM     

Internet neutrality

TPM Cafe: "It's getting down to the end of this Congressional session, and any number of commentators are bemoaning the fact that telecom legislation has been stuffed, in large part, due to the opposition of those favoring Net Neutrality.

"That's fine. The bills that were up for consideration this year had some good things, but tremendous flaws as well, and shouldn't have been considered in a hurry. At the same time, though, we shouldn't rush to any conclusions about how the issue will play out next year, when the Democrats take over Congress. Some people are saying the Bell companies won't want to pursue telecom legislation because they will work through the states to get what they want. Others are saying that Net Neutrality, the idea that telephone and cable companies can[base ']t make special deals to favor transmission of some content over other content, will have a great chance next year with the Democrats in charge."

"2008 pres"
5:50:26 PM     


Wired: "The federal government's mission to avoid regulating vehicle and industrial emissions that affect global warming may have run out of gas. On Wednesday the Supreme Court will hear a case that will decide whether or not greenhouse gases are pollutants, which the Bush Administration denies."

"2008 pres"
5:43:01 PM     


It looks like the debate over immigration helped democrats in the recent election, according to the Denver Post. From the article, "Latino voters leaned heavily Democratic in the recent midterm elections, indicating the heated debate over immigration reform may have cost Republicans support in some key races, an analysis released Monday indicates. A study of exit polls by the Pew Hispanic Center showed 69 percent of Latino voters supported Democrats, up from 58 percent in 2004. That compares with a 6 percentage- point increase in Democratic support among white voters. 'It's about more than just the immigration issue; it's about how some Republicans talk about the issue,' said Brent Wilkes, executive director of the League of United Latin American Citizens. 'They left the impression that it wasn't just about immigration but that (the Latino) community was being targeted in the same way the gay community was targeted in 2004.'"

"According to Pew's analysis, Republicans won in eight of the 12 congressional races where Latinos might have affected the outcome because they made up more than 10 percent of the eligible voters. The four districts that went to Democrats included Colorado's closely contested 7th Congressional District, which has 16 percent eligible Latino voters. Democrat Ed Perl mutter won that seat, previously held by Republican Bob Beauprez, with 55 percent of the vote. The National Council of La Raza did an election eve poll and found that 51 percent of likely Latino voters said immigration was the most important issue or one of the most important issues shaping their vote, said Clarissa Martinez, director of state policy and advocacy for the council. In July, the Pew Hispanic Center found the same sentiment."

Meanwhile Colorado Luis offers up his analysis of the recent spate of legislation targeting illegal immigration on SquareState. Mr. Toro writes, "I suppose I should be grateful to the Boulder Daily Camera for their editorial further cementing the emerging conventional wisdom that the anti-immigrant laws passed during the Special Session have proven to be, to use the Camera's words, an 'extraordinary folly.' But there is something missing from the piece -- any acknowledgment of the sinister force that caused otherwise reasonable Democratic legislators to abandon their stated principles and pass a bunch of ill-considered bills. It's called racism, and frankly I have a hard time taking seriously any discussion of the politics of immigration in Colorado that doesn't even mention the word. When you pass a bunch of laws aimed at undocumented immigrants, without knowing the impact (positive or negative) on the state, then by definition you are acting out of prejudice."

"2008 pres"
6:25:17 AM     

Adams county stormwater management
A picture named stormwateroutlet.jpg

Adams County has adopted a new ordinance to help with pollution of waterways through their storm sewer system, according to From the article, "The Adams County Board of Commissioners adopted Ordinance No. 11, concerning illicit discharges to the waters of the state within unincorporated Adams County, in the Nov. 16 public hearing. Enforcement of this ordinance allows Adams County to protect the quality of stormwater from those who would pollute into storm drains, detention ponds, rivers and creeks. 'Many people don't realize that the source of most of our drinking water comes from stormwater through our storm drains,' said Board of County Commissioner Chairman Alice Nichol. 'If we all become aware of the things we do in our daily lives that create pollution in our stormwater and make some positive changes, we can make a dramatic improvement to our water quality.' By adopting Ordinance No. 11, Adams County is in compliance with the Federal Clean Water Act. This ordinance prohibits illegal connections to the storm sewer system; sets up procedures through inspections and enforcement in order to find and eliminate illegal discharges into the storm sewer system...

"Additionally, the Adams County Stormwater Quality Awareness Program has been established to promote public awareness on common residential pollutants, such as the proper application of lawn chemicals, such as fertilizer and pesticides. This program also educates the public on the hazards involved in the improper disposal of pet waste and oil and other pollutants into the storm drainage system and promotes recycling."

"colorado water"
6:11:00 AM     

Freudenthal signs Platte River Recovery Implementation Program
A picture named southplattewatershed.jpg

Wyoming governor Dave Freudenthal has signed the Platte River Recovery Implementation Program, according to the Jackson Hole Star Tribune. From the article, "Gov. Dave Freudenthal has 'reluctantly' signed his name to the Platte River Recovery Implementation Program. He joins Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman and Colorado Gov. Bill Owens, who already embraced the controversial plan to accommodate threatened and endangered species in Nebraska and growing demand for water in the three states. In Wyoming, the program calls for expansion of Pathfinder Reservoir southwest of Casper and a contribution of $14.5 million from the state. Some water users continue to oppose the deal. The agreement allocates 35,000 acre feet space in the expanded Pathfinder Reservoir to downstream wildlife habitat in Nebraska, home to the federally protected whooping crane, piping plover, least tern and pallid sturgeon. It also guarantees 20,000 acre feet for lease to Wyoming cities and towns. The alternative is potentially stricter and less predictable regulation of all Platte River water users under the federal Endangered Species Act. Freudenthal, who was not governor when the water negotiations began a decade ago, said 'there are no good choices' but that the recovery program is the 'only hope.'"

Meanwhile some in Wyoming feel that the agreement effectively changes the doctrine of prior allocation - the method for allocating water in the western U.S. From the article, "A recent legal review of the multistate Platte River Recovery Implementation Program[base ']s components indicates the pact could mean a departure from how Wyoming's water law has been administered. The analysis, undertaken by Karen Budd Falen and Hertha Lund of the Budd-Falen Law Offices, said the program changes current water law from that of prior appropriation to one in which federally protected species in Nebraska would have the first right to Wyoming's water. Budd Falen and Lund maintain that the program takes water from the historic prior appropriation system into a whole new realm -- one in which a three-state governance committee will oversee water issues, 'giving away state control of Wyoming water.' According to the legal analysis, 'The program changes the current water law of prior appropriation to one in which Endangered Species Act-listed species in Nebraska have the first right to Wyoming's water.' The attorneys maintain that the program will become a mandate overlay on all state water issues."

Some are already rattling their lawsuit sabers, according to the Jackson Hole Star Tribune. From the article, "The state's decision to enter an agreement with Colorado and Nebraska over Platte River Basin water will almost certainly result in litigation, the spokesman for a Wyoming water users group said. Joe Glode, president of the Upper North Platte Water Users Association, said the Platte River Recovery Implementation Program offers no assurances that his members' water rights will be protected...

"Glode is concerned that the water users he represents upstream from Pathfinder Reservoir will lose out in dry years because they have no place to store water. 'You've created two new water rights in the state of Wyoming for which there's no additional water,' said Glode, who lives in Saratoga. Gov. Dave Freudenthal, who signed the agreement, said the state has done everything in its power to assure that the upstream water rights will be honored. The state attorney general and the state engineer both have issued statements intended to sooth the groups' concerns. But Freudenthal said he also had to consider the potential harm caused by rejecting the agreement, including the possibility of intense federal scrutiny on all activity in the Platte River Basin under the Endangered Species Act...

"The Platte's two branches start in the Colorado mountains, flow through Wyoming and Colorado, and merge in Nebraska. With its 15 major dams and reservoirs, the river supplies water to about 3.5 million people, irrigates farms, generates electricity through hydropower plants and provides recreation and wildlife habitat. The Platte River in central Nebraska also is a major stop for migrating whooping cranes and home to the piping plover, least tern and pallid sturgeon. They're all considered threatened or endangered species. Biologists estimate that whooping cranes numbered from 500 to 1,300 in the area in the mid-1800s, plummeted to fewer than 20 in the 1940s and rebounded to 215 by last year. By releasing additional water into the river system, scientists hope to recreate ideal habitat for all four species. Intensive testing will be needed to determine if the efforts work. In the meantime, irrigators in Wyoming appear poised to fight for their water in court. Glode said the Platte River Recovery Implementation Program lacks concrete assurances that the rights of upstream water users will be protected."

Of course steering around prior allocation has happened before, notably with the Colorado River Compact of 1922. That agreement divided the Colorado between upper and lower basin states without regard to prior allocation.

"colorado water"
5:57:22 AM     

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