Coyote Gulch


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  Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Andrew Sullivan: "The Jewish state will recognize same-sex marriages entered into in other countries in a 6 - 1 Supreme Court decision. The contrast with the murderous homophobia in the Arab-Muslim Middle East could not be starker."

"2008 pres"
6:50:42 PM     

Romney for president?

Andrew Sullivan: "The Christianist candidate - in case you were unaware, it's Mitt Romney. As with most Christianists, the idea of allowing different states to try different solutions to the same problem is dispensable when moral absolutes are involved. In other words, the fundamentalists have no interest in federalism. If federalism means that California can have marriage equality and medical marijuana, today's GOP base wants none of it."

Meanwhile Political Wire asks, "Can Romney win?"

"2008 pres"
6:46:27 PM     

Federal legislation to protect Valle Vidal
A picture named vallevidal2006.jpg

Unbossed: "There has been a MAJOR environmental victory in northern New Mexico. The Valle Vidal has been permanently protected by an act of Congress."

"2008 pres"
6:35:52 PM     

War on terror

Bloomberg: "US Airways Group Inc. is investigating why six Muslim scholars were removed from a flight after a passenger expressed concerns about their behavior.

"The imams were taken off US Airways Flight 300 to Phoenix at the Minneapolis airport last night. Police and the FBI were called after the men refused the captain's request to leave the jet to discuss the matter, airline spokeswoman Andrea Rader said today.

"The Council on American-Islamic Relations urged 'relevant authorities' to investigate the detention of the imams, who were questioned and released without charges. They were in Minneapolis for a conference of the North American Imams Federation, the council said."

Thanks to Oliver Willis for the link.

"2008 pres"
5:54:40 PM     

Brownback for president?

Captains Quarters: "Calling himself a 'full scale Ronald Reagan conservative,' Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas tossed his hat into the ring for the 2008 GOP presidential nomination. Brownback, who has a consistent record of conservative positions, hopes to emerge as the strongest conservative in the race against a field that appears to tilt significantly towards Rockefeller Republicanism."

"2008 pres"
5:55:04 AM     

Water workshops in Craig
A picture named yampariver.jpg

Craig Daily Press: "Water workshops, sponsored by the Colorado River District and Colorado Northwestern Community College, are scheduled from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Nov. 30 at the Hayden Library and Dec. 5 at CNCC's Craig Campus. No registration is required. Topics include Yampa River Basin facts and issues, along with state water laws and issues and topics concerning the seven states within the Colorado River Basin. Call Mary Shearer at 824-1135 or Jim Pokrandt at 945-8522, ext. 236."

"colorado water"
5:30:54 AM     

Evangelicals and elections

Here's an article about evangelical influence on elections from the Colorado Springs Gazette. They write, "Evangelical Christians in El Paso County can take some good news and some bad news from the recent election. The good news is that the Ted Haggard debacle a week before the election appeared to have little impact on results...

"The bad news for evangelicals who remain loyal Republicans is that their influence may wane in a party that is looking to swerve to America's middle so that it can better compete with Democrats. The drubbing taken by Sen. Rick Santorum, the Republican evangelical Christian from Pennsylvania, underscored what looks like a big swing of the political pendulum. The looming question comes down to this: Did Republicans lose their religion or did they scare off moderates with religious zealotry? 'I think the big story of 2006 is the support for Democrats by religious moderates,' said David Domke, a professor at the University of Washington who has written several books on the relationship between evangelicals and the Republican Party. 'The GOP is not the only game in town for Christian voters,' Domke said. 'The Democrats have made tremendous inroads.' The best Colorado example is Gov.-elect Bill Ritter, an antiabortion Catholic who spent three years as a missionary in Zambia. Throughout the campaign, no one questioned Ritter[base ']s faith. It allowed the Democrat to focus on education, the environment, the economy and other key issues. He won handily."

"2008 pres"
5:25:10 AM     

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