James Dobson was in Washington D.C. yesterday urging the faithful to pray that Congress end judicial filibusters, according to the Denver Post [May 6, 2005, "Dobson focuses prayer on judicial flap"]. However the money quotes come from Tom DeLay, "'All evil, all sin, and indeed all suffering, is ultimately a product of human pride,' DeLay said in his speech. He later said, 'With God, all things are possible. ... He embraces lowly sinners like you and me, especially me.'"
George Will: "Some Christians should practice the magnanimity of the strong rather than cultivate the grievances of the weak. But many Christians are joining today's scramble for the status of victims. There is much lamentation about various 'assaults' on 'people of faith.' Christians are indeed experiencing some petty insults and indignities concerning things such as restrictions on school Christmas observances. But their persecution complex is unbecoming because it is unrealistic."
Meanwhile Opinions You Should Have reports, "Jack Abramoff, a powerful lobbyist who is himself being investigated for allegations of corruption, was appointed to investigate allegations that Congressman Tom Delay improperly permitted him to pay for airfare."
Category: 2004 Presidential Transition
5:48:55 AM