Gary Hart is worried about the U.S. becoming a theocracy, according to the Denver Post [November 4, 2005, "Hart warns of theocracy trap"]. From the article, "America risks becoming a theocracy because of the religious right's sway over politics, former U.S. Sen. Gary Hart warned Thursday in a talk in Denver. At a lunch at the Oxford Hotel sponsored by the Denver Forum, the Democrat touched on his faith journey, took a few jabs at the Bush administration's foreign policy and reassured the audience that it's all right to be a liberal."
Bull Moose: "Now, of course, the Vast Moose Conspiracy did not manufacture the PMD (Politics of Mass Destruction) which is resulting in the Republicans imploding in ineptitude while Democrats exploding in an Tourettes-like rage. Could the American people look for an independent alternative to this unlovely political mudfest, and a modern reincarnation of the Bull Moose emerge in 2008? Not necessarily. However, it is quite possible that both parties will field candidates who challenge the prevailing polarizing partisan dynamic in American politics. There is more ample room for a progressive independent force to emerge in both parties."
Category: 2008 Presidential Election
6:48:43 AM