The National Journal: "When President Bush campaigned for re-election in 2004, he vowed to 'save Social Security.' Bush touted the notion of voluntary personal retirement accounts in his 2005 State of the Union address, promoted the idea just after the speech, and then, along with top administration officials, barnstormed the nation in a '60 Stops in 60 Days' Social Security tour.
"This strategy might have worked brilliantly in another era, when presidents dominated the news from their bully pulpits, and critics -- especially those outside officialdom -- fought for a few paragraphs or minutes of airtime for rebuttal. But in the Information Age, Bush's foes had a powerful new tool known as the Web log at their disposal, and they seized it to great effect."
Thanks to Political Wire for the link.
Category: 2008 Presidential Election
9:25:01 AM