Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Political Wire: "Zogby Interactive: 'An overwhelming majority of Americans -- 79% -- said they are skeptical the President and Congress will find a good solution to the immigration problem. Democrats and political independents were somewhat more skeptical than Republicans, the survey shows. While 88% of Democrats and 85% of independents said it is unlikely a solution will be found, 66% of Republicans agreed. The issue has boiled to the surface across America as Congress considers legislation, protestors take to the streets in cities across the nation, and as political campaigns get underway for the 2006 midterm congressional elections.'
"Update: The latest Rasmussen Reports survey finds that 37% of Americans 'now trust Republicans more than Democrats on the issue of immigration. Just 31% trust the Democrats more.'"
Category: 2008 Presidential Election
11:25:39 AM

From today's Denver Post: "More than 24 prominent Colorado Democrats who want to bring the Democratic National Convention to Denver are heading to New Orleans at the end of the month to make their pitch. Mayor John Hickenlooper is scheduled to accompany former Mayor Wellington Webb, Councilwoman Elbra Wedgeworth, state party chair Pat Waak and others at the national gathering. 'Basically, it is kind of our opportunity to actually meet with (Democratic National Committee) members before the bid is due,' said Wedgeworth, who co-chairs a committee trying to bring the convention to Denver."
Category: 2008 Presidential Election
10:37:06 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 11:25:58 AM.