Monday, April 24, 2006
Political Wire: "Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) writes in the New Hampshire Union Leader: 'Running for President as the Democratic Party's nominee in 2004 was one of the proudest experiences of my life. But I fear that what my party is considering doing to the process by which we pick a nominee is harming our party by diminishing New Hampshire's unique first-in-the-nation role. I support Iowa and New Hampshire's first-in-the nation status in our Presidential nominating process.'"
Category: 2008 Presidential Election
6:40:23 PM
Josh Marshall: "Now, a number of readers have written in to ask whether it might not be the case that only staffers or investigators on the Robb-Silbermann Commission interviewed in Drumheller. In that case, perhaps his information never made its way up to the Commissioners themselves.
"Not so.
"I called Drumheller back today and asked him who from the Robb-Silbermann Commission interviewed him.
"He told me that at his main interview -- where he discussed everything he discussed on 60 Minutes -- he was interviewed by the entire commission. That means Sen. Robb was there, Sen. McCain, Judge Silbermann, everybody."
Category: 2008 Presidential Election
6:04:06 PM
Denver Business Journal: "The Democratic Leadership Council plans to hold 'a major Democratic political and policy event' in metro Denver this summer, according to city officials. Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper, Colorado House Speaker Andrew Romanoff and Al From, the council's founder and CEO, will reveal specifics about that meeting Tuesday. The Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) breaks its events into two basic categories -- 'national conversations' and special events."
Category: 2008 Presidential Election
5:52:12 PM
The Moderate Voice: "Another aspect makes a future preventive war more difficult for this administration to sell than the Iraq war: major credibility problems. Preventive war assumes the populace will at least largely believe officials and at least silently approve of a preventive strike. But this administration is now enmeshed in so many controversies where its credibility is being called into question - polls show a large chunk of Americans no longer trust it - that will likely require far of an explanation that that it's just acting on assumption.
"But in the case of Iran you must now factor in Tehran's fire-breathing, defiant, we-dare-you-to-attack-us statements plus various reports about how Iran is seriously speeding up its nuclear program, then put it within the context of threats to Israel and Israel's repeated statement that Iran must be dealt with.
"Is it a different world after 911? Most assuredly. Does this mean preventive war is the easy-to-use norm? No, it won't be as easy a sell as right after 911. Preventive war is now an operative concept but it'll still likely require officialdom to make a strong case to justify it. And for a strong case you need credibility so the case you're making is considered factual. Credibility remains this administration's Achille's heel."
Category: 2008 Presidential Election
6:15:37 AM
Oval Office 2008: "You won't get very far in the Iowa Republican caucuses, so the conventional wisdom goes, if you don't have impeccable conservative credentials, and you don't support ethanol subsidies. What makes Iowa so difficult for Arizona Senator John McCain - and the reason he avoided the state's caucuses altogether in 2000 - is that, as well as being regarded with some suspicion by many conservatives, he also has a long track record of opposing ethanol subsidies.
"It is a sign of how seriously John McCain is taking his presidential bid that he is spending time in Iowa and clearly does not plan to avoid the state this time around. He probably still can't win the state and, if that's his assessment, he will want to lower expectations so that, as long as he does better than expected, defeat here should not be fatal. It is a sign of how seriously McCain thinks he can achieve a respectable showing in Iowa that he appears willing to soften his position on ethanol."
Category: 2008 Presidential Election
6:02:03 AM

Mike Littwin was hanging out with the Colorado delegation at the DNC convention in New Orleans last week. He likes Denver's chances of hosting the 2008 Democratic National Convention. From his column, "Still, parties must be held (they're holding a French Quarter Festival even as I write this). And Denver threw its party here at the spring meeting of the Democratic National Committee. It was held to try to convince delegates that Denver would be the perfect place to hold the 2008 Democratic National Convention. Denver did everything right. There was a great band. There was free food. There was free drink. There was a lot of free food. And a lot of free drink."
Category: 2008 Presidential Election
5:42:35 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 11:27:55 AM.