Sunday, December 3, 2006
Here's a list of big name bloggers that worked on political campaigns this year, from the New York Times. Take a look before it goes behind the Times paywall.
Thanks to Josh Marshall for the link.
"2008 pres"
10:05:53 AM
Political Wire: "Sen. Evan Bayh (D-IN), "a Democrat with a record of political success in a Republican-leaning state, intends to take the first official step toward a 2008 presidential campaign early next week," the South Bend Tribune reports."
"2008 pres"
8:52:26 AM
Jesus' General: "One of the most important political and social issues in the coming years will likely be the cost of medical care, especially the cost of prescription drugs. Medical care has always been an important issue, of course, but in America today more and more people are requiring drugs and treatment which are getting more and more expensive. This creates a growing constituency for efforts to reduce costs. There is also growing evidence that the current costs of this care are not justified by defensible market factors, which makes it easier for citizens to demand changes. The profits of drug companies are also growing, which gives them lots of disposable money to buy lawmakers."
"2008 pres"
8:44:51 AM
Political Wire: "Former Democratic Senate Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD) will not run for president in 2008, reports KELO-TV."
"2008 pres"
8:42:56 AM
Captains Quarters: "Many bloggers have written about the leaked Rumsfeld memo published by the New York Times on Friday and confirmed by the Pentagon later the same day, but no one has a better political analysis than Andy McCarthy at NRO's The Corner. Calling this the herald of a 'train-wreck' two years of lame-duck status for the Bush administration, McCarthy shows exactly how this will be seen by the people who comprise it."
"2008 pres"
8:40:58 AM

Here's an update on Denver's attempt to get the 2008 Democratic National Convention, from the Denver Post. From the article, "Democratic Party chairman Howard Dean could announce a decision within two weeks on whether his party's 2008 national convention will be in New York or Denver. But he's not tipping his hand on what the decision will be. 'I am not leaning any different way,' Dean said in a brief interview Saturday after a party executive committee meeting in Washington. 'I have to go to Europe next week, and when I come back, hopefully, we'll be ready to announce it.' The final decision belongs to Dean, but Colorado Democratic officials say much of the party's upper echelon supports Denver. Ramona Martinez, a member of the executive committee that met Saturday, said she thinks Dean also might be leaning Denver's way. 'I think Dean is giving Colorado time to get everything ready,' Martinez said."
"2008 pres"
8:33:53 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 12:15:28 PM.