Monday, January 1, 2007
Courtney Lowery (via New West): "2006 was a whopper of a year for Western politics. If the year-end roundups all the newspapers are running this weekend are any indication, collectively THE story of the year in the Rocky Mountain West was the November elections, hands down."
"2008 pres"
6:08:21 PM
Ed Cone: "The Boston Globe reports on a 'growing effort by [Mitt] Romney and his political team to cultivate a relationship with the conservative blogosphere as he prepares to enter the Republican primary, which is already being shaped as never before by countless bloggers, pundits, and other online opinion-makers.'"
"2008 pres"
5:57:06 PM
Opinions You Should Have: "2006 - The year in review. In many ways, it was a far, far better year than we could have hoped for. But it was a very crazy year.
"This is where the Democrats were at the beginning of the year: a Supreme Court ruling removed the only barriers that had prevented the Democrats from complete self-immolation.
"In February, a U.S. ban on animal-human hybrids had the unintended consequence of making chickenhawks illegal, decimating the White House and much of the Republican leadership...
"2008 pres"
5:55:32 PM

Happy New Year to all you water nuts and political junkies out there. We hope you hit PowerBall and that you resolve to be smarter with water in 2007.
11:11:45 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 12:23:10 PM.