Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Molly Ivins: "We are the people who run this country. We are the deciders. And every single day, every single one of us needs to step outside and take some action to help stop this war."
Thanks to NewMexiKen for the link.
8:42:24 PM
James van Hemert (via New West): "I work in a Gold certified LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) [per thou]green[per thou] building. We at the law school are so excited and proud about this that we mention it in our promotional brochures, announce it on our web site, give tours, and generally position it as a selling point for the school. We have non-toxic carpet, recycled materials, windows that actually open, waterless urinals, automatic lighting that turns off when you leave the room (most of the time, anyways), and a 40% savings in energy used for heating and cooling. We are comforted that we have done our part in saving the planet."
Read the whole article, lots of detail.
"denver 2007"
6:11:45 PM
Daily Kos: "Here's the video of Senator Feingold's opening statement from yesterday's hearing on Congress's Constitutional power to end this war."
"2008 pres"
6:08:46 PM
Barack Obama (quoted by TPMCafe): "I didn't take Senator Biden's comments personally, but obviously they were historically inaccurate. African-American presidential candidates like Jesse Jackson, Shirley Chisholm, Carol Moseley Braun and Al Sharpton gave a voice to many important issues through their campaigns, and no one would call them inarticulate."
"2008 pres"
5:54:57 PM
John McCain shows up on both sides of many issues in this YouTube up on NewMexiKen.
Political Wire: "A great point from The Hotline's Marc Ambinder: "Just as candidates find it very difficult to control their public image nowadays, campaigns find it very difficult to control the release of opposition research. And they may find it harder to manipulate media to caricature opponents. Imagine the 2004 campaign with endless YouTube videos of President Bush's Iraq war explanations."
"2008 pres"
5:47:59 PM
Gary Hart is blasting the administration and congress over the state of national security, according to the Rocky Mountain News. From the article, "An anniversary will pass today with no balloons, speeches or fanfare. It was six years ago when a commission led by former Colorado Sen. Gary Hart completed a report, predicting a catastrophic terrorist attack on the U.S. and calling for sweeping changes to protect the homeland. The U.S. Commission on National Security/21st Century report received some attention after its release, but it got far more nearly eight months later, when the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks turned homeland security into household words. On Tuesday, Hart noted the anniversary of the report. But he did so with great lament. At a House Appropriations subcommittee, he testified that the U.S. government had adopted only a handful of the 50 recommendations. 'It's just not acceptable' Hart told the Rocky Mountain News later. 'People are dying.'"
"2008 pres"
6:21:36 AM

The science around measuring mercury pollution from power plants is not accurate, according to the Fort Collins Weekly. From the article, "Ask managers at the Platte River Power Authority how much mercury the Rawhide coal-fired power plant releases into the atmosphere each year and it's hard to get a straight answer. One year the measurement was about 100 pounds; another year, it was over 200. John Bleem, the plant's division manager of customer and environmental service settles on 150 pounds as an average, even though the Colorado Utilities Coalition puts it closer to 170 pounds per year, making Rawhide among the top power plants in the state emitting mercury, according to the most recent data available. Bleem isn't necessarily being vague in detailing how much of the dangerous neurotoxin his plant releases into the atmosphere; like most coal-fired plant operators, it's just that he's simply not sure...
"And it also highlights how little even the utilities know about the amount of mercury is released into the environment -- new data recently collected by Xcel Energy shows that previous monitoring methods overestimated mercury releases at its Comanche plant near Pueblo, but greatly underestimated the releases at its Pawnee facility near Brush. In fact, the Brush plant was found to release three times more mercury than was reported to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, leading to concerns that reported emissions are inaccurate across the board. Even Bleem admits there are notable shortcomings to current monitoring methods and that his estimate of an average annual release of 150 pounds of mercury is just that -- an educated guess based on the best available information. New monitoring equipment similar to what is used by Xcel will be installed at Rawhide beginning this spring, he says, allowing plant operators to continuously monitor mercury emissions and report more accurate data...
"...burning coal produces three types of mercury -- elemental, reactive and particulate. Particulate mercury is normally captured onsite by filters and air scrubbers. Elemental mercury can indeed travel for hundreds of miles before settling on the ground and in the water, depending on climate and weather conditions. Reactive mercury falls closest to the plant. Even industry representatives estimate that as much as 15 percent of the mercury emitted from Rawhide could be reactive, based on the type of coal burned at the power plant. Regardless of which sort of mercury is most prevalent in Rawhide's exhaust plumes, there is little question that the utility -- which provides electricity to its owners, Fort Collins, Estes Park, Loveland and Longmont -- is at least partially responsible for elevated levels of mercury extending in a radius of between 30-60 miles from the plant, according to the results of a newly-released study of mercury 'hotspots' around coal-fired power plants...
"Mercury becomes a human health concern when it enters waterways. There, it changes into methyl mercury, which is absorbed by aquatic plants and plankton, which in turn are eaten by small fish. Methyl mercury bioaccumulates in fish, meaning it simply keeps adding up. This effect amplifies up the food chain, with each larger fish retaining all the mercury consumed by the smaller fish it has eaten over its lifetime."
"colorado water"
6:00:17 AM

Can we reverse the effects of humankind on the atmosphere? According to the Independent online scientists are tackling the problem with some ingenuity. From the article, "Scientists are thinking the unthinkable. What can be done to save the planet from global warming if political measures fail? If governments cannot agree on the necessary cuts in carbon-dioxide emissions, can engineering projects such as giant mirrors in space save the world?
"This week, more than 2,000 of the world's leading climate scientists will issue their formal assessment of the threat posed by rising temperatures. In its fourth report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is expected to say that man-made emissions of greenhouse gases are causing average global temperatures to rise towards a tipping point where climate change will become dangerous, and potentially irreversible. The document will not look at how to mitigate climate change - that will be dealt with in a later report - but some scientists are already thinking about the kind of large engineering schemes that might have to be deployed if policies for cutting CO2 emissions get nowhere. These range from capturing it at power stations and burying it underground, to launching spacecraft loaded with reflective tinfoil to deflect solar radiation. Such mega-engineering schemes fall into two broad categories. One is aimed at curbing levels of CO2 in the atmosphere, which would lessen the greenhouse effect that exacerbates global warming. The other focuses on deflecting solar radiation back into space by increasing the albedo, or reflective power, of the Earth, or by using mirrors...
"The Norwegian state oil company, Statoil, and BP already remove CO2 from North Sea gas as it emerges from the field. They then pipe it back underground to enhance further gas recovery - and reduce carbon emissions in the process. Removing CO2 post-combustion from power stations requires the fitting of 'scrubbers' to chimneys that can absorb the gas. Both are expensive. A power station with effective scrubbing technology would consume between 10 and 40 per cent more energy than one without, but such a power station could reduce its carbon emissions by up to 90 per cent. Klaus Lackner of Columbia University has proposed an extension of this idea, by dotting the landscape with windmill-like machines fitted with scrubbers that can remove CO2 from the atmosphere. The advantage of such a scheme is that it could be placed anywhere in the world - a desert rich in solar power, for example, or windy islands in the open ocean - and the technology need not be too efficient provided there are enough scrubbers to offset man-made emissions."
Meanwhile four power plant projects on tap for Colorado are expected to release as much CO2 as 2 million cars, reports the Rocky Mountain News. From the article, "The report written by environmental groups says the new and proposed plants would emit about 10.8 million tons of carbon dioxide a year, a 27 percent increase on top of the state's 2003 emissions of 39.6 million tons, the latest year for which figures were available...
"Titled Climate Alert: Cleaner Energy for the Southwest, the report from Environmental Defense and Western Resource Advocates cites more than a dozen plants that are under construction or on the drawing boards in Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada and Colorado. Those plants, once operating, would add nearly 70 million tons of carbon dioxide a year - equal to the tailpipe exhaust from 12.5 million cars, according to the report. New power demand should be met with energy efficiency and renewables such as solar, wind and biomass, the report says."
"2008 pres"
5:27:14 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 12:32:03 PM.