Some Christians are starting to advocate for reducing our effects on the global climate. Here's an article from the JG-TC Online with details. They write, "This article is not meant to debate the possibility of our earth's climate changing. I am not well enough versed in meteorological and scientific theory to argue either side. I don't know if the exhaust from cars or cows standing in a field represent the greater danger. My gut reaction is that man flatters himself by thinking he can completely destroy God's creation. However, the visual evidence is overwhelming that suggests we can corrupt, change and destroy on at least a local or regional level that which God made. Air and water pollution, which affects all life, is a real problem. It is shameful when various creatures that share our planet become endangered and go extinct. And contamination of the environment through carelessness, greed, war or any other reason pose potential health risks not only to us, but for generations yet to come. As Christians, we need to be the leaders in environmental issues and conservation. After all, the God we worship created everything. Genesis 1:31 says, 'God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.' If it is good, what right do we have to mess it up?"
Physorg.com: "How severe will global warming get? Jason P. Briner is looking for an answer buried deep in mud dozens of feet below the surface of lakes in the frigid Canadian Arctic. His group is gathering the first quantitative temperature data over the last millennium from areas in extreme northeastern sections of the Canadian Arctic, such as Baffin Island. Every spring, Briner, Ph.D., assistant professor of geology in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University at Buffalo, travels to the region to sample Arctic lake sediments and glaciers and analyzes them to reconstruct past climates. "
"2008 pres"
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