Monday, January 22, 2007
Political Wire: "'Not long ago, an anonymous video on the Internet would have elicited little more than amusement from the candidate under attack,' writes the Washington Post. 'But the 2006 midterm campaign -- in which then-Sen. George Allen (R-VA) saw his hopes for reelection, not to mention the White House, torpedoed by his now-infamous macaca moment captured on a widely seen video -- changed the rules.'"
"2008 pres"
5:54:16 PM
Daily Kos: "The plan [President Bush] is expected to outline tomorrow night would set a limit on the deductibility of employer-based health care, capping it at $7,500 for individuals and $15,000 for families. According to the administration, 80 percent of workers who have employer-based insurace would get a tax cut. The other 20 percent, who had more expensive benefits, would have a tax increase. And the 47 million without insurance at all? The administration has another plan that would take some of the federal money received by hospitals and other facilities and give it to states to provide more coverage to the uninsured. It's hard to see how that kind of shifting of funds would have much of an impact--while states might be able to cover some of their uninsured population, how do the health facilities that have lost funding make up the gap?"
"2008 pres"
5:45:46 PM
NewMexiKen is strongly in Bill Richarson's camp and lists the top 10 reasons. Coyote Gulch, being a fellow westerner, loves reason #10; "Richardson is from New Mexico." 
Here's a roundup of a recent Rasmussen poll from the Pollster.com. They write, "Two new Rasmussen Reports automated surveys find: Sen. Hillary Clinton (at 31%) leads Sen. Barack Obama (24%), Sen. John Edwards (12%) and five other Democratic candidates in a national primary; 79% of Americans are willing to vote for an African-American president, and 55% 'believe their family, friends, and co-workers are willing to do the same.'"
Meanwhile Chuck Hagel is still thinking about it, according to Political Wire. They write, "Sen. Chuck Hagel said 'that if he launches a campaign for the presidency in 2008 he would do so as a Republican. But the Nebraskan didn't completely rule out a bid as an independent,' the Omaha World Herald reports."
"2008 pres"
5:43:52 PM
This is interesting. Howard Dean is asking for input to the Democratic response to the President's State of the Union Address tomorrow. People powered politics.
"2008 pres"
2:47:34 PM
The Right's Field: "Here is the inaugural TRF Power Line rankings of the Republican field."
"2008 pres"
2:26:29 PM
Captain's Quarters: "Early on, it looks like Hillary Clinton's status as front-runner would only get a serious challenge from Barack Obama, the single-term Senator that has the media abuzz with delight. Obama looks to be the only candidate that can draw from the left and center in the Democratic Party enough to threaten HIllarys chances in the primary. However, the advent of Bill Richardson's candidacy may pose much more difficult problems for Hillary, if Richardson chooses to play hardball in the primaries."
"2008 pres"
2:21:30 PM
Steve Urquhart (via the Personal Democracy Forum): "The Revolution will be wikified...Politicopia joins the revolution to improve people's ability to understand and control their government. Politicopia starts with three simple notions: People need more control over government; Insiders have too much control over government; The Internet will disintermediate government."
Thanks to Doc Searls for the link.
"2008 pres"
2:02:15 PM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 12:29:31 PM.