Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Headwaters News (via New West): "Western lawmakers' reaction to President Bush's State of the Union speech was a mixed bag, but many lawmakers praised the president's plan to expand energy conservation plans and to increase production of renewable energy.
"An Associated Press article in the Santa Fe New Mexican said that Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch hoped the president would include geothermal energy in his repertoire of renewable energy options, while New Mexico's Sen. Pete Domenici criticized the president for not aggressively pursuing nuclear energy in his plan. The New Mexico Republican said nuclear power is the single most important change the nation can make to confront climate change."
Pollster.com: "A new Zogby Interactive online survey finds: 55% of Americans want the government to increase funding for research and development of alternative fuels; 64% believe the oil companies should be subject to a windfall profit tax.'"
"2008 pres"
6:49:02 PM
Here's the link to video of Governor Bill Richardson on CNN. Thanks to the Bill Richardson Blog for the link.
Andrew Sullivan: "Here's a graph to wake you up: the public's view of Senator Clinton seems remarkably stable over time, with a brief period of sympathy during the impeachment agony."
The Cherry Creek News is running the transcript of U.S. Senator James Webb's speech last night.
Andrew Sullivan: "Brownback versus Romney."
"2008 pres"
6:20:22 PM
U.S. Senator Chuck Hagel (quoted by TPM Muckraer): "I don't know how many United States senators believe we have a coherent strategy in Iraq. I don't think we've ever had a coherent strategy. In fact, I would even challenge the administration today to show us the plan that the president talked about the other night. There is no plan.
"2008 pres"
6:13:11 PM
From email from TeamAmericaPac, "Dear Friend,
You have to give George Bush's speechwriters credit: they coin a witty
phrase. In last night's State of the Union, Bush says he wants to
'resolve the status' of illegal aliens 'without animosity and without
amnesty.' While it has a nice ring to it, it isn't fooling anyone.
Tom Tancredo--who might be giving the State of the Union in two
years-- responded, 'The President has chosen once again to trot out the same old pig - albeit with a slightly different shade of lipstick. If there is one thing the President seems intent on demonstrating [to] the American public again and again is that he is utterly tone deaf.
"Democratic Senator Jim Webb's response to State of the Union focused on how corporate America was squeezing the middle class, and shipping jobs overseas. That's fine, but if the Democrats are serious about sticking up for average Americans against corporate elites in cahoots with the GOP, they should start talking about patriotic immigration reform. We know where the president stands on amnesty. Freshman Democrats like Webb will show whose side they are on soon."
"2008 pres"
5:56:23 PM
Political Wire: "'For the first time ever, the response to the State of the Union Message overshadowed the president's big speech,' writes Newsweek. Sen. James Webb (D-VA), 'in office only three weeks, managed to convey a muscular liberalism -- with personal touches -- that left President Bush's ordinary address in the dust.'
"'Webb was given a speech to read by the Democratic leadership. He threw it out and wrote his own. As a well-regarded novelist, Webb has a sense of narrative and human drama. He apparently felt that the boots his son wore in Iraq, which he used to great effect during his successful Senate campaign against Sen. George Allen, might be a bit hokey. So instead, he showed a picture of his father during the Berlin airlift. He then went on to describe taking the picture to bed every night and his family's long record of military service.'"
"2008 pres"
6:29:25 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 12:30:05 PM.