Saturday, June 2, 2007
Saint Anselm College will be hosting both the Republican and the Democratic candidates for President this week. They write:
The presidential primary debates at Saint Anselm College have been rescheduled for Sunday, June 3, and Tuesday, June 5, at the Sullivan Arena. Both debates will take place 7-9 p.m.
Sponsored by CNN, WMUR-TV, and the New Hampshire Union Leader, the debates will include every major candidate currently running for president. U.S. Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama yesterday confirmed they would take part in the June 3 Democratic debate, joining fellow candidates Gov. Bill Richardson, Sens. Christopher Dodd and Joseph Biden, former Sens. John Edwards and Mike Gravel, and Congressman Dennis Kucinich.
On June 5, GOP contenders former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, U.S. Sens. John McCain and Sam Brownback, Gov. Mike Huckabee, former Govs. Mitt Romney and Jim Gilmore, and Congressmen Tom Tancredo, Ron Paul, and Duncan Hunter will debate.
"2008 pres"
10:34:38 AM
Andrew Sullivan: "The conflation of secularism with atheism in the popular vernacular is one of the more corrosive abuses of the English language today. It is perfectly possible to be devoutly religious and aggressively secular. Yes, that combo is rarer than it was, but its possibility is a lynchpin of liberal democracy."
"2008 pres"
10:27:34 AM
Don Surber: "But the man [President Bush] has one thing right: Iraq. We must democratize Arabia if there is to be a lasting peace on Earth. Just 50 years ago, only a madman would suggest that it would be possible to ever turn a peasant country like South Korea into a modern industrialized democracy."
"2008 pres"
10:24:47 AM

According to the Denver Post Denver will not meet it's current fundraising goal of $7.5 million for June 1st. From the article:
Despite pledges from nearly 30 local corporations and individuals and national fundraising trips by Mayor John Hickenlooper and Gov. Bill Ritter, the host committee for the 2008 Democratic National Convention will miss its first financial deadline, the group's president said Thursday. Reached in the afternoon, president Elbra Wedgeworth said the host committee will bank "1 or 2 million" less than the $7.5 million its contract with the Democratic Party says must be collected by today. In a follow-up discussion, she said "more has come in (Thursday), a significant amount." The all-volunteer group had made significant gains in terms of the total amount of pledges needed to bring the convention to town Aug. 25-28 next year. But corporate giving is dictated by yearly budget constraints, Wedgeworth and other experts say, and so persuading donors to write checks immediately for an event so far away is difficult. "We basically have the pledges, but they're not going to be in by the deadline," Wedgeworth said. Denver's contract with the Democratic National Committee sets four fundraising milestones geared toward ensuring that the party has the money it needs to prepare for the convention. The host committee's final deadline is June 16, 2008, when it must have $40.6 million in the bank. The contract allows for an extension of seven business days. A potential complicating factor is that the contract also required that the host committee establish a nearly $20 million line of credit, should the money not be in after the seven-day extension, but the committee hasn't done that. Wedgeworth said that DNC chairman Howard Dean is aware of the fundraising situation and isn't pressing for funds immediately.
"2008 pres"
9:33:43 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 12:59:38 PM.