Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Political Wire: "Young Americans 'are more likely than the general public to favor a government-run universal health care insurance system, an open-door policy on immigration and the legalization of gay marriage,' according to a New York Times/CBS News/MTV poll."
beSpacific: "New CDC report documents percentage of people without health insurance. In 2006, there were 43.6 million Americans of all ages who did not have health insurance (at the time of the interview), or 14.8 percent of the population."
"2008 pres"
7:02:27 PM
Daily Kos: "Republicans are being torn asunder between their nativist base, and shifting demographics that could spell doom to any hope of future Republican majorities."
New West: "Silverthorne Police Chief Joe Russell was out of town last week when he found out that federal law-enforcement officials were conducting a series of raids to arrest illegal immigrants in his town last week. That was the first he'd heard of the sweep. Summit County Sheriff John Minor didn't find out about the raids until Friday, two days after they began, and 'Dillon Police Chief John Mackey also hadn't heard about the immigration sweep as of June 21,' reports Summit Daily reporter Bob Berwyn."
"2008 pres"
6:39:51 PM

Colorado Confidential: "Democratic Congressman Mark Udall's Amendment 2 to the Interior Department budget that would delay the Bureau of Land Management's oil shale development plan was voted on twice in Congress today. The first two minute vote on the amendment led by only four votes in Congress. Udall's amendment passed 219 by 215 in a tally that bounced back and forth until the end."
"2008 pres"
6:34:36 PM
Colorado Confidential: "A proposal to make marijuana the lowest enforcement priority looks headed for the ballot, after supporters announced today that they had obtained more than double the amount of petition signatures required to put the initiative up for a vote. According to Citizens for a Safer Denver, local group pushing for the measure, they have taken 10,500 signatures from registered Denver voters with approximately 4,000 needed qualify for the local ballot in November."
Meanwhile from TalkLeft: "Newsweek examines teen drinking this week. Experts say pot is better for them than alcohol"
"denver n2007"
6:32:51 PM

The JibJab kids are at it again with presidents since Franklin Roosevelt and their version of the Star Spangled Banner.
"2008 pres"
6:31:40 PM
Oliver Willis: "I said that liberals shouldn't believe a .... word coming from Republicans suddenly against the war because when push comes to shove, they blink. Dick Lugar is just the latest to shuck and jive. Only Democrats can stop the war. Only they can stand up to Bush."
Andrew Sullivan: "Anbar Slides: Not encouraging news from the one place in Iraq where we were getting some."
Iraq the Model:
It's almost July now, and General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker will present their report about the situation in Iraq, military and political, at some point in September. I don't know what parameters the two men are going to list statistics for in their report but I expect it to show the results of fighting al-Qaeda and other armed groups in numbers, the progress in building the ISF in numbers, also in numbers and of course the report would include the progress, if any, that our political leaders will have made by the time.
I think what matters more than the way of presentation would be how the data in the report is going to be read and afterwards interpreted into attitudes and actions.
One thing I hope the decision-makers and the media do when they read the report is to not isolate the war in Iraq from the war on terror and al-Qaeda as a whole, and at the same time put in mind the difference between war and nation-building. The latter takes much more time than winning a military conflict but requires different tools.
U.S. Senator Richard Lugar: "I rise today to offer observations on the continuing involvement of the United States in Iraq. In my judgment, our course in Iraq has lost contact with our vital national security interests in the Middle East and beyond. Our continuing absorption with military activities in Iraq is limiting our diplomatic assertiveness there and elsewhere in the world."
Political Wire: "'Public support for the war in Iraq has fallen to a new low and Republican support is beginning to waver,' according to a new CNN/Opinion Research poll. The survey found that 69% of those polled 'believe things are going badly in Iraq, and anti-war sentiment among GOP respondents has suddenly increased' with 38% of Republicans now saying they oppose the war. 'Moreover, 63% of Americans are ready to withdraw at least some troops from Iraq. Forty-two percent of Republicans agree.'"
"2008 pres"
6:25:10 PM
Talking Points Memo: "Waxman, Conyers put the squeeze on Gonzales: Six months ago, the National Archives asked the Justice Department for its opinion on Dick Cheney's 'fourth branch' theory, which he invoked to escape oversight by the Information Security Oversight Office. They're still waiting. Waxman and Conyers want to know why."
Here's Part IV of the Washington Post's series about Vice President Dick Cheney.
"2008 pres"
6:24:09 PM
Al Gore is in the lead in New Hampshire according to the New Hampshire Union Leader. They write:
A New Hampshire presidential poll by WHDH-TV and Suffolk University shows that local Democrats prefer Al Gore to any of the current contenders. Hillary Clinton has a solid lead over the rest of the current Democratic field. The poll, released this afternoon, shows 37 percent of likely Democratic voters backing Clinton or leaning towards her. Barack Obama was at 19 percent, with both John Edwards and Bill Richardson at 9 percent. Al Gore, however, could enter the race as the leader. When his name is added, Clinton loses more than a quarter of her support, while Gore is backed by 32 percent.
Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani lead the GOP field. The former Massachusetts governor is supported by 26 percent of likely GOP voters, with Giuliani slipping to 22 percent. John McCain and Fred Thompson are both at 13 percent, a major move backwards for McCain. Romney's support, which relies heavily on younger voters, is up 7 percent from a comparable poll in March, when he trailed Giuliani (37 percent) and McCain (27 percent).
Thanks to TPM Cafe for the link.
Talking Points Memo: "Rudy's dissembling on Bill Clinton's anti-terrorism record becomes so obvious that even Tucker Carlson calls him out on it."
Don't miss the PBS Democratic Forum tomorrow night.
Political Wire: "Rudy Giuliani is losing ground in three critical states -- Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, according to Quinnipiac's Swing State Poll, 'three simultaneous surveys of voters in states that have been pivotal in presidential elections since 1964.' Meanwhile, Fred Thompson is surging and has passed or tied Sen. John McCain in all three states. In the Democratic race, Sen. Hillary Clinton maintains solid leads over her primary rivals in each state."
Pollster.com: "Starting today I'm adding Bill Richardson to the Top Democrats charts for both state primaries and the national nomination polling...While Richardson is still in fourth place in both states (5th in NH if you include Gore), his is the only trajectory that is clearly moving up. So it seems fitting to start watching it with each new poll."
Political Wire: "According to a new Rasmussen Reports survey, Fred Thompson leads the Republican presidential aspirants with 27%, followed by Rudy Giuliani with 23%, Mitt Romney with 12%, and John McCain with 11%."
"2008 pres"
6:20:14 PM
© Copyright 2009 John Orr.
Last update: 3/15/09; 1:05:18 PM.