Thursday, May 31, 2007
The Right's Field: "In the GOP presidential debate from earlier this month, Senator Sam Brownback (R-Kansas) was among the three to admit they don't believe in evolution. Today's New York Times has a guest piece he wrote explaining his position."
"2008 pres"
6:48:38 PM
Greg Saunders (via the Daily Kos): "It really is hilarious how right-wingers can whip themselves up into a frenzy about 'Liberal Hollywood', but shriek like little girls when a Hollywood celebrity [Fred Thompson] winks at them."
Poltical Wire: "A new Siena Research survey in New York finds Sen. Hillary Clinton leading the Democratic presidential race with 42%, followed by Sen. Barack Obama at 13%, Al Gore at 13% and John Edwards at 7%. Among Republicans, Rudy Giuliani leads with 50%, followed by Sen. John McCain at 12%, Fred Thompson at 8%, Mitt Romney at 7% and Newt Gingrich at 7%."
"2008 pres"
6:17:18 PM

beSpacific: "Research Finds That Earth's Climate is Approaching Dangerous Point, May 30, 2007: 'NASA and Columbia University Earth Institute research finds that human-made greenhouse gases have brought the Earth's climate close to critical tipping points, with potentially dangerous consequences for the planet.'"
"2008 pres"
6:13:09 PM
Josh Marshall: "It's amazing how picky people are nowadays.
"A big oil company whose executives have been indicted for bribing multiple Alaska politicians can't even be in charge of renovating the state's senior senator's house without people making it like there's something fishy going on."
"2008 pres"
6:07:50 PM
Talking Points Memo: "Democratic Congressional leaders under fire over Iraq have a high-profile defender: Al Gore."
"2008 pres"
6:04:51 PM
The Rocky Mountain News caught up with Mike Gravel this week. They write:
Former Alaska Sen. Mike Gravel is tough on fellow Democrats, but Republicans shouldn't let their guard down either. "If I'm the Democratic nominee, I'll eat them alive," Gravel declared in an online chat Wednesday with the Rocky Mountain News. In the race to win the nomination at the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver, Gravel is perhaps the longest of long shots. But he has not stopped making noise since his bombastic role in a televised debate last month.
Gravel, 77, has been an anti-war activist since the Vietnam era, when he fought to end the military draft and played a controversial role in publicly disclosing the Pentagon Papers. In the online interview, Gravel blasted four rivals currently in the U.S. Senate - Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York, Barack Obama of Illinois, Chris Dodd of Connecticut and Joe Biden of Delaware - saying they have the power to end the U.S. occupation of Iraq but choose symbolic resolutions instead. "That's politics as usual of the worst kind," Gravel said. "People are dying daily and all they can do is get a symbolic vote that makes them look good politically."
Political analysts have said that Gravel has virtually no chance of winning the presidency, and some have treated his role in televised debates as providing comic relief among a field of softer-spoken, more diplomatic candidates. But Gravel insists he is in the race to win, and said that if he does not, "I do not think anyone who voted for the war is morally qualified to be president of the United States."
"2008 pres"
7:07:06 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 12:59:25 PM.