Saturday, May 26, 2007
Via Crooks and Liars, John Stewart sorts out the issues around the U.S. attorney firings, in light of Monica Goodling's testimony this week.
"2008 pres"
1:09:55 PM
From the Valley Chronicle:
The more time presidential candidates from both major parties spend in California, the more clear it becomes that moving up this state's presidential primary from early next June to early next February is succeeding fabulously as a tactic...
By moving its vote up to Feb. 5, backers of the switch including Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger figured, California would force presidential candidates of all stripes to use the state as more than just a cash machine. They would now have to spend time campaigning here, not just hobnobbing with big-bucks contributors but also dealing with ordinary voters. They would also have to invest some of the money raised in California back into advertising campaigns in California. And they would have to stake out positions on issues important to Californians, from water and offshore oil to immigration, energy efficiency, and conditions in the state's racial ghettos and barrios.
"2008 pres"
10:56:04 AM

We missed this article about the demands for water in ethanol production in last week's Rocky Mountain News. From the article:
Can Colorado, which imports more corn than it grows, support all the planned ethanol plants? Have corn prices peaked? Most scary, the Lenzes say, is the water supply. Kansas wants more water from the Republican River that feeds Yuma's aquifer. Other farmers in Colorado have lost wells over questions of river water rights, and the Lenzes fear the same will happen when Kansas' claims are resolved in the next year or so. Take away water for these heavily irrigated cornfields, and you've got a dot-corn bust...
"2008 pres"
10:08:25 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 12:58:11 PM.