Monday, May 21, 2007
Political Wire: "New Gallup Poll: 'Americans hold a complex set of beliefs about the legality of terminating a woman's pregnancy. The majority want the Supreme Court to uphold its 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision which protects abortion rights. Most Americans also say abortion should be legal only under certain circumstances, and believe there should be a ban on 'late-term' or 'partial-birth' abortions. But when the entire issue is distilled to the labels most commonly used on each side of the debate -- pro-choice vs. pro-life -- the public is split nearly down the middle.'"
"2008 pres"
6:52:15 PM
Daily Kos: "Video tape everything they do."
"2008 pres"
6:46:33 PM

Check out Aaron Harber's interview with Howard Dean. The regular broadcast will be on Friday night (9:00 p.m.) and Sunday (2:00 p.m.). They're breaking the Internet rule of thumb -- Use Flash to display video, although it's cool that they have QuickTime.
We think that it's cool that the show is up on the website ahead of the broadcast. They also keep it around for awhile if you miss it.
"2008 pres"
5:49:53 PM
Andrew Sullivan: "There are murmurings afoot - from disgruntled Republican Congressmen to a skeptical defense secretary to a maverick but refreshing Republican candidate, Ron Paul. My column in the Sunday Times is on this strange and perhaps fleeting convergence."
"2008 pres"
5:35:07 AM
Talking Points Memo: "It may seem a little early -- OK, it is a little early -- to consider motivating factors in the 2008 presidential race, but Tom Goldstein emailed me with a heads-up on a terrific piece he wrote about the election and the future balance of the Supreme Court. While acknowledging upfront that justices' retirements are unpredictable, Goldstein makes a compelling case that the next president will likely be in a position to name at least two, possibly three, members of the high court."
"2008 pres"
5:33:30 AM
Political Wire: "In the latest Des Moines Register Iowa Poll, John Edwards leads the Democratic presidential race with 29% support, followed by Sen. Barack Obama at 23% , Sen. Hillary Clinton at 21% and Gov. Bill Richardson at 10%...In the Republican race, Mitt Romney 'has sprinted ahead' of his rivals and now leads with 30%, followed by Sen. John McCain at 18% and Rudy Giuliani at 17%."
eyeon08.com: "Hotline discusses the Des Moines Register's new poll of Iowa likely caucusgoers. They say the numbers should be taken seriously, so I will. In this poll Mitt Romney gets 30% of the vote, John McCain gets 18%, and Rudy Giuliani gets 17%."
"2008 pres"
5:30:52 AM
From today's Denver Post, "What Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo calls amnesty, Sen. Ken Salazar of Colorado calls a 'time of purgatory.' There, in a few words, are the yin and yang of immigration reform. Salazar is - to put it mildly - a cautious politician. But, like Tancredo, he has thrown himself willingly into the middle of one of the country's most rancorous debates. Salazar helped craft and promote the immigration bill the Senate begins debating today. The bill has the potential to help solve one of America's most vexing dilemmas - the presence of 12 million undocumented immigrants. It also has the potential to alienate constituents because the bill allows illegal workers to get temporary but renewable four-year visas called 'Z visas.' Undocumented employees must pay a $1,000 fine to get a Z visa. It is the first step in an eight- to 13-year journey to permanent legal status that costs a total of $5,000. The rub comes because Z visas let once-undocumented folks keep jobs and stay in this country legally as they try to get permanent status. Z visas, along with a guest worker plan that allows 400,000 people a year into the country for two years at a time, have set Tancredo and others on the left and right to howling. Immigration is an emotional flash point. It could easily spark a political backlash. Salazar said he is willing to take the risk."
TalkLeft: "Here come the detention camps."
"2008 pres"
4:58:17 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 12:57:19 PM.