Thursday, May 17, 2007
Talking Points Memo: "Edwards campaign slams Rudy Giuliani for his claim that he 'usually' hears Democrats blaming America for 9/11."
Political Wire: "In New Hampshire, a new Zogby telephone poll shows Sen. Hillary Clinton with a small lead over Sen. Barack Obama, 28% to 26%, with John Edwards trailing behind at 15% and Bill Richardson jumping to 10%. On the Republican side, Mitt Romney has made an explosive leap ahead of his competitors, with 35% -- up ten points in the last month. Sen. John McCain and Rudy Giuliani trail with 19% each."
Dave Winer: "Of course the Republicans are trying to tar and feather Rep Ron Paul, spin what he says to make it sound like he's a nut. Even the Democrats aren't making as much sense as he is."
The Agitator: "Remember, the war on terror, Giuliani says, is something he understands 'better than anyone else running for president.' The sad fact is, that might even be true, considering everyone else up on that stage except for Paul. But it's sort of like winning 'Best Complexion' at the Leper Colony."
Thanks to Walter In Denver for the link.
Political Wire: "A new Cook Political Report/RT Strategies Poll shows Sen. Hillary Clinton 'remains far and away the leader of the pack' in the Democratic presidential race with 36% support, followed by Sen. Barack Obama at 25% and John Edwards at 15%. On the GOP side, Rudy Giuliani leads with 26% with Sen. John McCain slightly behind at 24%. 'There is a large gap between the frontrunners and the next two candidates," with Mitt Romney and Fred Thompson pulling in 9% each.'"
"2008 pres"
7:23:50 PM
Washington Post: "The Republican presidential candidates were asked at their debate in South Carolina on Tuesday about "a million-to-one scenario" involving the interrogation of suspected foreign terrorists. Only one in 10 got it right.
"That one would be Sen. John McCain (Ariz.), the only presidential candidate who has experienced torture. 'Torture' is Mr. McCain's correct description of the 'enhanced interrogation techniques' that President Bush authorized the CIA to use on captured members of al-Qaeda -- methods that soon spread to the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, and then to Afghanistan and Iraq. Until Mr. McCain succeeded in passing a legislative restriction two years ago, the methods included "waterboarding," or simulated drowning, an ancient torture technique that every U.S. government before the Bush administration considered illegal and immoral."
Andrew Sullivan: "In my view, last Tuesday's revelation of the GOP as a proudly pro-torture party marks the moment when they have become a danger to national security and to the integrity of American democracy. I'm not the only one appalled by what has happened to Republicanism that it could have degenerated into a party of Hollywood-inspired thuggery and lawlessness. Among others are the commandant of the Marine Corps from 1995 to 1999 and the commander in chief of U.S. Central Command from 1991 to 1994. They know more about warfare and torture than Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani ever could. And like every senior military official, they strongly oppose the authorization of torture as American policy. Because they want to win the war."
"2008 pres"
7:15:06 PM
Reuters: "ARIVACA, Arizona (Reuters) - A pilot project to place a high-tech network of surveillance towers along a stretch of the U.S.-Mexico border has met boisterous opposition in this Arizona town, where some residents call it 'Big Brother.' The U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency is installing a network of nine towers with ground radar and night vision cameras to monitor a 28-mile (45-km) stretch of border near Arivaca, southwest of Tucson. It is the first trial for the communications and technology arm of the government's Secure Border Initiative announced in 2005. Dubbed 'SBInet,' authorities say it will be extended across some 6,000 miles of the Mexican and Canadian borders in segments in coming years. Residents of this remote, high desert ranching town of 1,500 people have packed four public meetings in recent weeks to oppose the project, which is due to go live at the end of next month."
Thanks to NewMexiKen for the link.
MSNBC: "Key senators in both parties and the White House announced agreement Thursday on an immigration overhaul that would grant quick legal status to millions of illegal immigrants already in the U.S. and fortify the border. The plan would create a temporary worker program to bring new arrivals to the U.S and a separate program to cover agricultural workers. Skills and education-level would for the first time be weighted over family connections in deciding whether future immigrants should get permanent legal status. New high-tech employment verification measures also would be instituted to ensure that workers are here legally."
"2008 pres"
7:03:03 PM
Colorado For Richardson: "The Democratic National Committee has announced the dates, sponsors, and cities for six sanctioned presidential candidate debates.
"DNC Santioned Debate: July 23, 2007 -- YouTube/Google and CNN -- Charleston, South Carolina; August 19, 2007 -- ABC -- Des Moines, Iowa; September 26, 2007 -- NBC News/MSNBC -- Hanover, New Hampshire; October 30, 2007 -- NBC News/MSNBC -- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; November 15, 2007 -- CNN -- Las Vegas, Nevada; December 10, 2007 -- CBS -- Los Angeles, California."
"2008 pres"
6:33:43 PM
Power Line: "...the Senate voted 67-29 on a procedural motion that effectively rejected the Democrats' latest effort to cut off funding for the Iraq war. The proposal, an amendment to a water projects bill having nothing to do with Iraq, was sponsored by Russ Feingold. It would have cut off funding for the Iraq war by March 31, 2008. The roll call is here; no Republicans voted for the proposal, and a number of Democrats voted against it. The New York Times called the vote a 'stinging defeat' for antiwar Democrats that 'underscored the divisions among Democrats over how to oppose the administration's Iraq policy, as well as widespread fear of being seen as undercutting American troops.'"
"2008 pres"
6:19:41 AM
NPR: "The 10 GOP presidential candidates squared off for their second debate in Columbia, S.C. on Tuesday night. Slate's chief political correspondent, John Dickerson, was there, and he says the event was pretty lively. Support among South Carolina voters is critical in choosing the next Republican nominee, and abortion and terrorism were key issues."
"2008 pres"
6:16:39 AM

According to the Salt Lake Tribune, U.S. Congressman Jim Matheson is, "proposing an amendment to a defense bill that would force the Energy Department to move an enormous pile of uranium tailings away from the banks of the Colorado River by 2019. The House is expected to vote on the amendment Thursday morning, although it is not anticipated that there will be serious opposition to the measure. The department had originally forecast that it could move the 16 million tons of tailings in seven to 10 years, but the department now says the project is not likely to be completed until 2028...
"'I've been generous in this amendment. I've given them 10 years,' Matheson said. 'But that's it. And it's a good deal for them and I suggest they take it.' The pile is the remnants of Cold War-era uranium refining done at the Atlas Corp. mill. The mill closed in 1984 and the company filed for bankruptcy in 1998, leaving behind a temporary cap on the pile and an inadequate cleanup fund. The tailings pile now sits just outside Arches National Park on the banks of the Colorado River and studies have found that toxic chemicals such as ammonia are seeping into the groundwater, threatening four species of endangered fish. The contamination has also alarmed officials downstream, since the river provides drinking water for an estimated 25 million people."
"2008 pres"
6:04:32 AM

The Grand Junction Daily Sentinel is reporting that the BLM has extended the comment period for the draft oil shale EIS for two weeks, until June 12th, rather than the September 11th date requested by Governor Ritter. From the article, "The report, the draft environmental impact statement for the BLM's fledgling commercial oil shale leasing program, was released to Wyoming, Colorado and Utah government officials Monday for their comment. The document will show how widespread the BLM expects commercial oil shale development to be and what energy and water resources it might consume...
"Colorado Department of Natural Resources Deputy Director Mike King said the extended deadline will prevent the state from giving the report a comprehensive review. 'We are concerned that the time frame the BLM is working from will not provide the opportunity to adequately evaluate all of the potential environmental and socioeconomic impacts that could result from oil shale development,' Ritter spokesman Evan Dreyer said. The draft report is expected to be released to the public this summer."
More coverage from the Vail Daily News "reg". They write, "Federal officials have also said the states will have an additional 90 days to review the plan after the draft is released to the public, which is expected to see the draft in mid-July. Wyoming, Colorado and Utah are among 14 'cooperating agencies,' including a few cities and counties, that see the preliminary plan before the public does and have more opportunity to weigh in...
"[Mike King, deputy director of the Colorado Department of Natural Resources] said Colorado state technical experts are reviewing the preliminary plan, sent to the states this week. He said Colorado officials might have to submit 'placeholder comments' at the end of the four weeks and prepare more in-depth feedback later. 'For the BLM to just glibly say that the state of Colorado can comment along with the rest of the public ignores the state's special status,' said Bob Randall, an attorney with Boulder-based Western Resource Advocates, an environmental law and policy...
"Shale reserves in Colorado, Utah and southwest Wyoming are believed to contain at least 1 trillion barrels of oil -- three times the proven reserves of Saudi Arabia, or enough to theoretically supply the United States for a century. But the oil, or kerogen, is locked in layers of hard rock, and the technology for affordably heating and extracting the liquid is still evolving. Local governments have urged federal officials to move cautiously because the impact on water and other resources isn't clear. Last year, the Interior Department approved 10-year leases for oil-shale research and development projects for Shell Frontier Oil & Gas Co., Chevron USA and EGL Resources Inc. on separate sites in northwest Colorado. Oil Shale Exploration Co. won approval last month of an experimental project in Utah. Area officials and residents also are wary because of the oil-shale bust of the early 1980s. Western Colorado's economy was sent reeling when falling oil prices led Exxon to shut down its $5 billion Colony oil-shale project in Parachute and lay off 2,200 workers."
"2008 pres"
5:44:34 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 12:56:28 PM.