Thursday, May 24, 2007
Political Wire: "Rudy Giuliani and John Edwards 'traded bare-knuckled jabs yesterday over whether President Bush's war on terror is the nation's top concern or just a political bumper sticker,' the New York Daily News reports."
"2008 pres"
6:11:03 PM
Captain's Quarters: "The amendment offered by Minnesota Senator Norm Coleman to the immigration reform bill has gone down to defeat. As I noted yesterday, the bill would have removed the loophole that allows for 'sanctuary cities' and require local law-enforcement agencies to cooperate on illegal immigration."
North Denver News: "U.S. Sen. Wayne Allard (R-Colo.) announced today that an important provision he had originally introduced earlier this year to help curb identity theft has been included in The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 (S.1348)."
"2008 pres"
6:01:15 PM
Josh Marshall: "President Bush, yesterday: 'Now, many critics compare the battle in Iraq to the situation we faced in Vietnam. There are many differences between those two conflicts, but one stands out above all: The enemy in Vietnam had neither the intent nor the capability to strike our homeland. The enemy in Iraq does.'
"There are so many problems and distortions with this statement that it is difficult to know where to start."
TalkLeft reminds political junkies to keep their eyes on the prize.
"2008 pres"
5:49:37 PM
Political Wire: "The new Diageo/Hotline poll finds Sen. Hillary Clinton leads the Democratic presidential race with 31%, followed by Sen. Barack Obama at 21%, Al Gore at 13% and John Edwards at 10%. On the Republican side, Rudy Giuliani tops Sen. John McCain, 26% to 17%, with Newt Gingrich at 10%. Key general election matchups: Clinton 43%, McCain 40%; Giuliani 43%, Clinton 41%; Obama 40%, McCain 36%; Obama 40%, Giuliani 39%; Edwards 42%, McCain 37%; Edwards 40%, Giuliani 40%."
"2008 pres"
6:48:45 AM
The New Hope Courier: "A planned, much-debated fence along the U.S.-Mexico border designed to keep people from crossing the Rio Grande could exacerbate flooding and skew the national boundary, a binational commission said Wednesday. The treaty declared the international boundary at the midpoint of the river and prohibited construction of anything that could deflect or obstruct the water flow and harm the other side. Russ Knocke, spokesman for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security , said the fence could be built in several varieties, depending on the land. Some proposed fences -- such as solid steel landing mats -- would be impermeable to water. The United States and Mexico established the commission in 1889 to regulate water use and apply boundary treaties for the shared Rio Grande and Colorado rivers. Together, the commission has built and maintained international dams and reservoirs, hydroelectric plants, water treatment plants and floodway projects."
From today's Rocky Mountain News, "The federal government's plan to slice in half the number of National Guard troops assigned to support Border Patrol operations along the Mexican border is worrisome, Gov. Janet Napolitano said Wednesday. Her concern comes despite assurances from Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and Border Patrol Chief David Aguilar at a meeting this week in Washington that only support rolls will be trimmed and not actual on-the-border deployments."
Here's a article about immigrant reaction to the immigration bill being debated in Washington D.C., from the Rocky Mountain News. From the article, "The U.S. Senate compromise announced last week has given hope to millions of illegal immigrants, but it has also caused widespread confusion and raised many more questions than answers. The proposal is being debated in the Senate, but there's no guarantee Congress will pass any legislation, let alone something that preserves the major provisions of the compromise."
TalkLeft: "Credit where credit is due, and today it goes to New Mexico Governor and presidential hopeful Bill Richardson, who says he will oppose the Immigration compromise because it is too onerous for immigrants."
"2008 pres"
6:03:54 AM

From the Greeley Tribune "reg", "An amendment has been made to a U.S. House resolution to conform with a bill regarding the recovery of ground water. The resolution, sponsored by Rep. Mark Udall, D-Colo., was amended by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Wednesday to conform to Sen. Ken Salazar's 'More Water, More Energy, Less Waste Act of 2007.' The legislation requires the Bureau of Reclamation to move forward with testing new technology that could potentially help recover millions of gallons of groundwater every day...
"The bill, as amended, would examine the viability of recovering 'produced water' by requiring the commissioner of the Bureau of Reclamation, the director of the U.S. Geological Survey, and the director of the Bureau of Land Management to evaluate the feasibility of recovering and cleaning 'produced water' for use in irrigation and other purposes, all while protecting and conserving the water quality and natural surroundings. It also would require those agencies to study ways to increase the efficiency of energy production by reducing the quantity of produced water that must be treated or re-injected. The measure also would create a grant program to provide a maximum 50 percent federal match of up to $1 million to construct, but not operate, test project sites. Those sites could be in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada or California. The quality and volume of the recovered 'produced water' would depend upon the technology to be tested under the bill. Having been approved by committee, the resolution now goes on for consideration by the full Senate and then back to the House."
"2008 pres"
6:01:02 AM

Here's a report from the second day of the Colorado Water Workshop in Gunnison, from the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel. From the article, 'Rich Ingebretsen is trying to spread a message many Colorado River Basin water managers don't like: 'Lake Powell is going away.' His argument goes like this: Silt will clog Lake Powell, rendering it useless, and global warming is going to ravage the West with higher temperatures and inadequate precipitation so much that Lake Powell by even the Bureau of Reclamation's estimation will be empty 15 percent of the time and only 40 percent full most of the time. So, the Salt Lake City physician and founder of the Glen Canyon Institute argues, drain Lake Powell and turn it into 'Glen Canyon National Park.'[...]
"[Eric Kuhn, general manager of the Colorado River Water Conservation District] said Ingebretsen vastly overstated the severity of global warming's future effects on Lake Powell. There's no doubt that temperatures will rise, but climate models can't predict future amounts of precipitation that will feed the river and Lake Powell, he said. But Ingebretsen is adamant. Inspired by childhood memories of Glen Canyon and parts of it, such as the famous Cathedral in the Desert, temporarily exposed in recent years because of the lake's record low pool levels, Ingebretsen is vocal about his vision of an irrelevant Glen Canyon Dam. Global warming, he said, will dramatically increase evaporation on the lake. Already more than 40 million acre-feet of water have vanished that way, he said. 'That's a lot of water to just not account for,' he said. 'You'll have more water if you store Powell water in (Lake) Mead,' which is nearing record low levels. Though Lake Powell worked well in the past, global warming will render the lake useless, he said, adding that a better way to manage the Colorado River is to allow reserves for both the river's Upper and Lower basins to be stored in Lake Mead."
More Coyote Gulch coverage here.
"colorado water"
5:54:22 AM

Click on the thumbnail to see a graph of attacks on U.S. forces, Iraqi forces and Iraqi citizens. Thanks to Juan Cole and Andrew Sullivan for the image.
"2008 pres"
5:33:06 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 12:57:59 PM.