We're in Chicago. The kickoff welcome for Yearly Kos was tonight. Howard Dean was the keynote speaker. Governor Dean rallied the faithful with his usual flair. He made an interesting point about the 18-29 demographic. He says that young people today are living in the world created by his generation. They don't see themselves and black, white or hispanic - just young. And they're pissed that we adults won't drop the confrontation. They're hoping that we'll work on the things we agree about and drop things we don't agree about. Coyote Gulch is not so sure.
Dean praised the netroots claiming that we are leading the U.S. into a period of transparency in politics, taking back the government, and showing the world how the Internet is leading to democratization.
The crowd here is quite a mix. Old hippies (yeah we fit in here), older couples, youngsters, young couples, some minority representation. Lots of Macintosh users. We made friends with people from Tempe, Arizona, Chicago and St. Louis, and hope to shake a lot of hands tomorrow. Juan Cole is here and we got to talk briefly.
It's hot and muggy here in the upper midwest. We're wishing for a nice thunderstorm off the Continental Divide to cool things down. Oh wait, we have to be in Denver (or somewhere along the Rockies) for that to happen. Chicago is a big city for a water blogger from Colorado but we're making do.
Normally when we're on the road it's not with this many people around.
The Hyatt Regency Chicago is a ripoff. You can't use the in room refrigerator to chill your fruit juice without them charging you. We could not use the Wi-Fi for some reason, even after agreeing to pay the stupid fee. Internet access is slow.
"2008 pres"
10:07:14 PM