Wednesday, August 29, 2007
The Right's Field: "Wyoming Republicans just set their primary caucus for January 5, leapfrogging the entire field (well, for now, at least). The RNC has already sought to punish other states who have failed to abide by rules governing primary dates. The Wyoming Republican Party doesn't seem to be that worried about it. 'We're first in the nation,' said Tom Sansonetti, the state party's 2008 county convention coordinator. 'At least for the next couple, three weeks until New Hampshire and Iowa move, which I expect they will.' At this rate, the first primary will be held last week, and John Cox won, so why aren't you on the bandwagon?"
"2008 pres"
5:50:25 PM

Here's an opinion piece about ReCreate68 and their negotiations with Denver for next year's 2008 Democratic National Convention from David Harsanyi in The Denver Post. From the article:
I have no idea who was at fault for the Chicago riots in 1968. (I typically blame hippies for most things, but boy, those Windy City cops were sort of quick to crack open a skull.) And obviously, I hope that Denver avoids the New York and Boston 2004 convention model, featuring high fences, barbed wire, spies and questionable arrests. Yet allowing protesters to dictate in what manner this city deals with protests is an affront to the law-abiding Denverite. Democrats, obviously, have the most to lose from a violent confrontation. As Denver convention host committee co-chairman Chris Gates, who was at the 1968 convention, recently said, "Part of the reason (Hubert) Humphrey lost that election was because of the chaos in the streets of Chicago in 1968. So if you believe in progressive values and progressive causes, their argument doesn't really make sense."' No, it doesn't make sense. Not only for progressives but for anyone. Few things that groups like Re-create 68 espouse make much sense to me. That's fine. I support their right to protest. But that shouldn't give them the license to shut down the city or inhibit your right to live in peace.
From The Rocky Mountain News, "Regis University is expected to announce today a program that will allow students to work as interns for the Democratic National Convention next summer. Regis will work with the Washington Center, a bipartisan organization that arranges opportunities for students at national party conventions, on the program. More than 250 students from around the country will be hosted by Regis as part of the academic program that allows students to see the political process firsthand."
"2008 pres"
6:43:59 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 1:21:57 PM.