Sunday, August 12, 2007
The Moderate Voice is running video from 1994 of Vice President Cheney advising against invading Iraq, as it would lead to quagmire.
"2008 pres"
9:53:45 AM
The Daily Dish: "I was talking to a friend yesterday who was complaining about all the money being spent on the presidential election. The $1 billion that will probably be spent could be better spent on any number of pressing social needs, he told me. I don't know what the campaign will end up costing, but $1 billion sounds reasonable. According to the Campaign Finance Institute, combined receipts of the various campaigns came to $333 million in 2000 and $674 million in 2004. If one assumes that the numbers double every four years, then it wouldn't be surprising if all the candidates ended up spending $1.3 billion by the end of next year."
New West: "Hillary or Obama? Mitt or Rudy? The candidates are spending millions to distinguish themselves from each other. Except on the Drug War, where they remain united in their silence about our country's continued flawed approach toward drug treatment and prohibition."
"2008 pres"
9:47:45 AM
Don Surber: "In an editorial today, the New York Times tries to take a report that 'shows' America is 42nd in the world in health care to make the argument that we need to nationalize the health care industry. The promise is that the government can do health better and cheaper than the private sector."
We think that Mr. Surber is missing the point. The argument is not primarily over better and cheaper, it's more about what we should do as a nation, for the middle class.
"2008 pres"
9:43:52 AM

Here's Part I of The Denver Post's series on coal-bed methane production and the produced water. From the article:
Today, on 37 lush, green acres, [ranch manager Chuck Larsen] is growing 3 to 4 tons a year of alfalfa irrigated with water pumped out of an underground coal seam.
"Without the water, that field wouldn't be here," Larsen said. About 120 miles southeast of Larsen's spread, Ed Swartz is convinced coal-bed methane water isn't saving his ranch, but ruining it. In October 1999, Wildcat Creek, usually just a trickle, was swamped, flooding the Swartz Ranch with coal-bed methane water. "The water just kept running for over a year, and I noticed my trees started dying," Swartz said. "It was garbage water."[...]
Over the next eight years, up to 450,000 barrels of water a day are projected to be produced in southern Wyoming's Atlantic Rim Basin, where a major coal-bed methane reserve has been discovered. The federal government wants companies to reinject the water into the ground. [Wyoming sheep rancher Pat O'Toole] wants to gain control of the water and ship it down the nearby Colorado River to thirsty desert towns - a venture that could net a savvy water-rights holder millions of dollars...
In the past decade, as natural-gas prices have soared and new extraction techniques developed, there has been a surge of drilling for that methane gas.To get the gas, however, energy companies must first get rid of the water - lots of water. A single gas well in Wyoming's Powder River Basin produced about 4,326 gallons of water a day in 2005, according to U.S. Geological Survey research.
Read the whole article. They look at the environmental impacts good and bad. Out here, west of The 100th Meridian, we love a good irrigation story. Here's the Post's story about salinity in water and the effects on crops. Terrific job Post.
More Coyote Gulch coverage here.
"2008 pres"
9:17:19 AM

Here's a look at the movement to overhaul the General Mining Law of 1872 from The Colorado Springs Gazette. From the article:
In the 1890s, when prospectors came from across the nation to Cripple Creek with gold nuggets in their eyes, the government sold them land for $5 an acre, and often less. A century later, when a mining company wanted land in Crested Butte -- a resort town where new homes go for $1 million -- it got the same bargain. That's because the law governing mineral mining on federal land hasn't changed significantly in 135 years. The General Mining Law of 1872, meant to help settle the West, still says miners can stake claims and buy public land at a price capped at $5 an acre, with no royalties, little environmental regulation and few options for federal agencies to deny their applications. This year, the Democrat-controlled Congress is taking aim at the law, an effort that has pitted lawmakers against the Bush administration and environmentalists against the mining industry.
"2008 pres"
8:54:40 AM
Here's a roundup of yesterday's Iowa Straw Poll from The Des Moines Register.
Talkleft: "They expected 30,000. 14,000 showed up. The GOP is in trouble in 2008. As for this silly exercise, Romney lost the expectations game so he lost. Huckabee won. Watch for Huckabee talk now."
"2008 pres"
8:45:36 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 1:17:11 PM.