Saturday, December 15, 2007

Opponents of Powertech's proposed uranium mining operation in Weld County are assuring supporters that the mine can be stopped, according to The Longmont Daily Times-Call. From the article:
"Uranium mines have been stopped before," said Lilias Jones Jarding, a member of Coloradoans Against Resource Destruction. Jarding and Jackie Adolph, both active opponents to the proposed uranium mine between the towns of Wellington and Nunn, spoke during Friday's Loveland Kiwanis Club meeting...
Jarding, who has a Ph.D. in political science with an emphasis in environmental policy, said past studies have shown in-situ mining contaminates the environment and causes increased rates of cancer nearby. It also lowers property values, something she said is already happening to the area surrounding the proposed mine. "Some say property values have decreased 20 to 30 percent there," Jarding said. "But nothing has sold there, so it's a little hard to tell." She said the radioactivity coming from a uranium mine -- whether it's in-situ or traditional hard-rock -- would hurt livestock, contaminate underground water supplies and cause health problems, among other issues, if allowed to move forward..."Northern Colorado is trying to be seen as a renewable-energy hotbed," she said. "Clearly (a uranium mine) is not compatible with that."
More Coyote Gulch coverage here.
"2008 pres"
8:18:47 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 1:51:49 PM.