Monday, June 2, 2008
Political Wire: "Sen. Hillary Clinton 'claimed a convincing win' over Sen. Barack Obama in [Saturday's] Puerto Rico primary, 'a victory that may well be her last in her fading bid for the Democratic presidential nomination,' according to the Washington Post."
"2008 pres"
6:24:52 PM
Political Wire: "A new American Research Group poll in South Dakota finds Sen. Hillary Clinton leading Sen. Barack Obama, 60% to 34%."
Political Wire: "A new American Research Group poll in Montana shows Sen. Barack Obama edging Sen. Hillary Clinton, 48% to 44%."
Political Wire: "A new Public Policy Polling survey in North Carolina finds Sen. John McCain edging Sen. Barack Obama in a general election match up, 43% to 40%, with Libertarian candidate Bob Barr getting 6% support."
Digby: "I'm hearing and reading a lot today about how the Clinton supporters are going to ruin the party with their obstinate refusal to acknowledge that Obama has won and threats to vote for McCain. I think everyone needs to take a breath. The fact is that this campaign is a photo finish. There has never been a primary where it's come even close to a tie before. Someone had to win and it's going to be Obama and it's going to be seen as legitimate, mostly because the primaries ran their course (for which everyone should actually be grateful.) But to think that a race this close could end with an instantaneous round of kumbaaya among the loser's most passionate supporters is probably a little naive. It's not human nature."
"2008 pres"
6:24:11 PM
SquareState.net: "Why Hillary Lost: Iraq. That's it. There's really nothing more to say. The plain and simple fact is if Hillary Clinton would have voted against the Iraq War and been a vocal opposition to it she would have the Democratic Nomination."
"2008 pres"
6:23:32 PM
grist: "Globalization was built on cheap oil. As that era draws to a close, so will the current phase of global integration, whether Thomas Friedman, Wal-Mart, and all those involved in intercontinental trade like it or not. The current transportation infrastructure is based on cars, trucks, airplanes, and cargo ships, which together consume about 70 percent of the gasoline used in the United States. While the greatest focus has been on cars, trucking and airline companies are facing collapse."
"2008 pres"
6:06:51 PM

grist: "The Senate just held a cloture vote on whether to proceed with debate on the Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act. It needed 60 votes to proceed. And the Senate says ..."
"Agreed to move forward, 74-14!
"Climate change will now be open for debate on the Senate floor."
6:05:22 PM
Surfette: "After years of being told 'I've never met anyone from Montana before!' my home state of fewer than one million people will have a high profile Tuesday when voters in Montana and South Dakota (with even fewer inhabitants) go to the polls to decide which Democratic nominee gets their combined 31 delegates."
New West: "Never before has Montana been so important in the Democratic presidential primary. We've observed this electoral process from a distance for years, so finally being on the frontline is cause for excitement."
"2008 pres"
5:55:48 PM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 2:29:20 PM.