Friday, June 13, 2008
grist: "The Council on Foreign Relations released a new report this week on how the United States should approach foreign policy as it relates to climate change. 'Confronting Climate Change: A Strategy for U.S. Foreign Policy,' as one might expect, indicates that the U.S. needs to come up with a mandatory emissions reduction plan if it wants China, India, and other rapidly developing countries to sign on to a new global pact. 'Visible U.S. leadership is essential to getting other nations, especially rapidly growing developing countries, to make significant efforts,' the authors argue in the report. The report indicates that the U.S. needs to adopt a cap-and-trade system aiming at reductions between 60 and 90 percent below 1990 levels by 2050, and that the federal government should increase funding for the development of new low-carbon technologies. They also argue that our electricity grid should be improved in order to support new energy sources. Making these improvements at home will put the United States a better position to negotiate for a world treaty, argues the CFR 'task force' that put together the report, chaired by former New York governor George Pataki and former Iowa governor Tom Vilsack."
"2008 pres"
5:39:15 PM

From The Summit Daily News: "U.S. Sen. Wayne Allard and Democratic congressman Mark Udall rebuked a proposal by a Utah congressman that would allow President Bush to skip regulatory hurdles and begin oil shale development. The proposal introduced this week by Utah Rep. Chris Cannon would allow immediate development of oil shale on public land. Allard supports oil shale development, but spokesman Steve Wymer says the senator will oppose any proposal that skips the regulatory process. Udall says the proposal proves some have 'oil shale fever' and want to sacrifice Colorado's Western Slope."
More Coyote Gulch coverage here.
"2008 pres"
5:25:03 PM
Scott Adams (via The Dilbert.com Blog): "There are few things I enjoy as much as a good conspiracy theory. The upcoming election in the United States will be fascinating because there is a high probability we will find out if there are any hidden puppet masters running the United States. That would happen if, for example, Obama is clearly ahead in the polls in November but somehow loses the election. I consider both of those outcomes likely. Obama's tax plan involves taking money from the presumed puppet masters (rich people and corporations) and divvying it up among the people he hopes will vote for him (the masses). The only way that approach could fail with voters is if there really are puppet masters and they really are determining who gets to be president."
"2008 pres"
5:18:54 PM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 2:31:22 PM.