Here's an update on the proposed requirements that Fremont County attached to the Black Range Minerals' exploration permit, from The Cañon City Daily Record. From the article:
With the Conditional Use Permit necessary for uranium exploration firmly in the grasp of Black Range Minerals, the company next will work to iron out a list of conditions with the county before it can resume drilling in the Tallahassee area...
On Wednesday, the county released a list of 22 proposed conditions and three waivers that were requested by Black Range. One of those conditions states the company will hire an independent hydrogeologist, selected by the county, to study the adequacy of the proposed surface and groundwater monitoring plans. Another specification requires BRM to have a geologist or hydrologist on site at the time of plugging, sealing and capping of all prospective drill holes, to provide written documentation that all regulations were followed throughout the process. Other conditions stipulate the CUP is for a 10-year term with annual county review to determine compliance of all conditions. Days and hours of exploration are limited to 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. Traffic to and from the site by drilling equipment and heavy truck traffic will be limited to the use of CR 9A. The company may be required to apply adequate dust suppression on county and access roads used in the exploration process if dust pollution becomes a problem because of increased traffic...
The company already has verbally agreed with many of the proposed conditions. The entire list of 22 conditions, as well as the three waiver requests, is available in the Planning and Zoning Office, 615 Macon Ave., or online at www.fremontco.com. Written public input, being accepted both online and in person, will be taken until close of business June 25. Final conditions will be on the July 8 agenda for consideration by the commissioners. That meeting will begin at 9:30 a.m. at 615 Macon Ave.
Meanwhile the Ault Town Board has passed a resolution in opposition to Powertech's proposed in-situ uranium operation in Weld County, according to Fort Collins Now. From the article:
The town of Ault joined the long list of opposition against a proposed uranium mine Tuesday. At its meeting Tuesday, Ault's town board passed a resolution opposing any uranium mining in northern Colorado...
The resolution passed unanimously. As mayor, Bayne does not have a vote on board actions. Resolutions are not binding, and they have no legal clout. Before the board took action, Bayne said he spoke with town residents to get their opinions on the subject. "Some people are flat out against it, and others were not a fan of uranium but understand the need for alternative sources of energy," he said. The resolution also encourages federal and local agencies to deny "any and all permit applications for in-situ uranium mining operations in the northern Colorado area."
"2008 pres"
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