The lawsuit between Kansas and Colorado over flows in the Arkansas River is winding down, according to the Pueblo Chieftain. From the article, "During a flood 40 years ago, a headgate washed out of the Graham Ditch, 11 miles east of Lamar, and the water rights were incorporated into the nearby X-Y Ditch. Then, in 1977, the former ditch right was converted to a well right. Accounting for the amount of historic use from the ditch has become the last point of fact disputed in the Kansas v. Colorado U.S. Supreme Court case over the Arkansas River Compact. Colorado says it should be credited 1,286 acre-feet - about 400 million gallons - annually. Kansas says the former diversion amounts to nothing. In a basin where annual flows average more than 500,000 acre-feet, the difference is - pardon the pun - a drop in the bucket."
Category: Colorado Water
6:14:52 AM