Here's a story about water brokers and speculation from the Denver Post [December 18, 2005, "Fortunes flow from water sales"]. From the article, "Despite a Colorado legal doctrine intended to prohibit speculating on water, the practice is not a crime and can be stopped only in cases that come before a water court judge. [Alvin] Geist isn't shy about declaring that he has made a fortune through it. He is one of a group of savvy investors who work largely behind the scenes buying and selling rights to water in irrigation companies, water conservancy districts and other markets - in one case doubling the paper value of their investment in a single afternoon. The speculators play a role in driving up the price of water that new and growing cities pay despite a Colorado Supreme Court ruling that speculative claims 'discourage those who have need and use for the water.'"
Category: Colorado Water
6:46:44 AM